Sunday, January 19, 2020

Day 1: Observe

1: to conform one's action or practice to
Observe the law

2: to celebrate (something, such as a ceremony or festival) in a customary way
Observed Independence Day with a parade

3a: To watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment
observed the behavior of the children

3b: to make a scientific observation on or of
observed the habits of the wild animals

4: to come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts
When the temperature drops, I observe the water turn to ice

5: to take notice
What did you observe?

6: to make observations, to watch
Observe the movement

7: remark, comment
In her speech she observed the changes in society

Understanding Observation in a way that benefits YOU (and all of us).
Observation is a way of paying attention and noticing what is Here.

Observation is a way of Being.

Observation is a way of taking responsibility.

Whether you like it or not, you are observing these very words on this page.

You are observing your computer/phone, your body, your environment.

Even if you're deaf or blind you're observing/noticing/paying attention to your environment.

So why are we here now?
This blog will be the journey of walking 'observation' from a passive, bystander role, to a living, breathing, fully responsible way of life.

What do I mean by observation being a 'living, breathing, fully responsible way of living'?

Observe this statement ... "If I observe it, I am responsible for it".

This simple statement, if honestly said, will literally transform your reality, and the collective world.

If I observe suffering, I am responsible for it.

If I observe pollution, I am responsible for it.

If I observe struggle, I am responsible for it.

This blog will be as much a journey of observation, as responsibility

The purpose of this blog is for each of us to redefine observation to it's best form that is supportive of all life.

This means take 100% responsibility of everything in the world that is observed.

Who will you need to become where you can self-honestly say you have that level of responsibility?

Well, one thing for sure, you will need to step out of your ego/self-interest only.

A passive observer is one who sits back and says "eh, not my problem", or "there's no way that's my problem".

⛔️⛔️The issue with being a passive observer, is that we all live on this planet. When we hit the tipping point of enough plastic in the ocean, or enough species go extinct, THE SYSTEM/ECOSYSTEM WILL COLLAPSE, and YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE.⛔️⛔️

Again, "If I see it, I am responsible".

An active observer is who who KNOWS, "I observe this, therefore I am both indirectly and directly responsible for this, so let's sort this out so it is best for all life."

Sort out this world with me and with us.

There are others on this journey to life, walking the process out of the mind, the self-interest only.

There are others walking alongside, from passive observers, to active observers, actively co-creating a world best for all life.

Come along, actively observe with me.

Know that the active observer defines observation as the necessary pre-cursor to understanding, then assisting and supporting what is best for all of life.

This is the real deal. This is Observation's Journey to Life.