Sunday, November 8, 2020

Day 66 - Self-Trust in Pace of Process

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to want to hurry up and have the work be over, instead of realizing and LIVING The common sense as my body as Here, doing fully as my utmost potential the workout as the way I do anything is the way I do everything, thus to completion and perfection as what is BEST for all no matter the timing, within the context of the world-system yet Self-Trust as the purification process of the world-system as what is best for all as the Living System Here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it is not possible to not hurry up, failing to realize that I am going at the best speed and I write effectively and efficiently and resiliently as I walk as self-trust

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself and react to my calendar believing that I am somehow supposed to be this iGod/ego “superpower” as the mind, when in fact the mind is extremely limited, who I am as the PHYSCIAL as the BREATH and the pace of the physical is what is best

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the pace of the physical is Here as the Breath and thus today I practice this as the order to the chaos

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in rushing through an activity instead of realizing the REAL BEST BENEFIT is actually slowing down, going in reverse of the energy rush, standing Here as Order as the Physical Living System, as AS the order and the Living Agreement as Living Words as myself, and my inner circle relationships, a new Chaos as Life Itself is birthed, this time more powerful in every way that the world system as the world-system is extremely limited as energy, instead of the resonance of the Living Words and the Living System, Expansion Here as Self

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can pause and notice my thoughts/energy/reacitons/emotions/backchat to show me exactly what still needs to be purified, such as “I want to keep going” failing to see/realize/understand the benefit of being Here as the Physical Purification, and also the common sense that if I were to rush, this is keeping the system in place as the system is extensive and robust and as the Living System I must purify this by my equality and oneness with and as the current world system that I am walking daily to the highest levels of responsibility and building my self trust every day through the little things like writing and scripting the words for and as what is best for all Life, giving 100% in all that I do, and realizing that as I am now able to remain Here, operate from Here and trust myself where even if the schedule changes, I WILL BE OK and I CAN BE FLEXIBLE and today I prove this to myself as this practice of self-trust building, putting in some reasonable deadlines that make sense and that way I can practice the integration of the Living System of who I am with the world-system, as breath by breath I walk the purification. 

I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to want to rush and keep going, believing “MORE MORE MORE” is better , within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I thought running and getting sugar and filling myself up with energy was best because it felt good, in that moment completely abdicating my responsibility and having no real role models, UNTIL HERE NO FURTHER, WE ARE THE ROLE MODELS, thank you Bernard and the other self-leaders, now I am the living example that makes this go viral and exposes how one can truly Live as what is best for all, Here as the breath, no rushing needed

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to the idea of ‘not finishing the thing’ in the required amount of time, thus creating and perpetuating the character of rushing/fear/anxiety, until HERE NO FURTHER

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I was not effectively supported to understand the world, how systems work, why we must rush as times due to situations and context and common sense, yet the STARTING point is what matters, thus I commit myself to walk the correction as Self-Trust with my family and kids and to live as the example of how to move at the pace of the Living System, walking as the Physical so that all families and children will know the truth of Life and what is best for all, Living the Principles and ensuring we live the principles to the best of our ability

Thus when and as I notice myself wanting to rush, I stop and I breathe

I realize the pace of the mind is rushing and looking for more, at least currently where my mind is

I realize that I must practice and train to walk and keep breathing as the physical, doing what is ACTUALLY best instead of rushing, yet being ok with the rushing as the mind as walking the purification process as I am the Life Authority

I realize that the anxiety/rushing personality/character within me had been circulating energy for my mind-consciousness system yet Here as Life Authority I rewrite myself as Living Words thus I Purify myself as Walking the Correction of Pacing Myself as Life as the Physical in Every Breath, Living Order and Living Chaos as the Living System as Living Principles 


I commit myself to breathe, be bold, be clear and author my days, weeks, months and entire Life that my legacy of and as Living Words outlives my human physical body in the best way that all future generations may know what is best for all Life and physically visibly Live the Principles

Join us and walk with us at the pace of Life and the Living System: Join
 the Facebook Group by finding us at where you will be exposed to the resources to change your life/Our Life forevermore in the best way

Day 65 - Observing and redefining guilt

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to participate in the character of guilt over reaction, failing to realize that the best way to participate with reality is as Self-Honesty and Living the Principles in every moment as best as possible, so even when emotions/feelings come up, I trust myself to process them and thus live Self-Trust instead of guilt. 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to define guilt as a negative emotion, failing to realize that guilt is simply the reality of a system relative to a past action, the course of the system and the participants where a process is followed of making the situation ‘right’ according to the system, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as the LIVING SYSTEM, guilt is the label and correction process for anything determined to be not best for the Living System, and what this looks like practically is Self-Honest Self-Forgiveness, purifying the corrections within myself as Anti-Fragility of the System where I expose the weaknesses and the separations and conflict, and purify all of the structures and energies and resonances to what is best for all Life as Living Words and Living Flesh of the Living System, thus guilt is simply an indicator of process and the processing of emotion/energy where as my self-directive principle and Living Words, I trust myself to process the situation into the Living System so the variables that were not supportive of Life become supportive of Life through daily diligence and self-honest scheduling and walking the correction and the commitments in every moment

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the guilt of not completely writing a point to completion of a ‘feeling of knowingness’ that it’s complete, failing to realize that as Living Principles, I am the authority Here as Life and as I walk daily, I expand and express as Life thus the writing is a natural consequential outflow of who I am thus even if there are still points and energetic layers within my unconscious and subconscious, I trust myself Here as Life as anti-fragility to walk this process and not participate in the bullshit of judgment and guilt of myself not thoroughly completing the points, BY actually sticking to one point and focusing on it, getting to the core memory and processing it and then writing the correction and commitment 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I learned guilt in the context of the system where Life would be sacrificed and lost if I was guilty according to the various laws that my parents and society had accepted and allowed, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I am not forgiving myself for accepting and allowing these laws of the system and morality, and now point by point I am processing these laws within and as common sense as the Living System Law is Here as Daily Walking Process and Living the Principles, it’s that simple, thus the only guilt that is valid is any situation that prevents/hinders the daily walking process, this is an object/subject guilty of going against Life, yet as Life we have the authority and power to process and correct these points as they come up thus I walk as Self-Trust as writing and this will be shown again and again over time through writing, SF and TechnoTutor use

When and as I notice myself participate in a reaction/feeling of guilt, I stop and I breathe

I realize that the best definition of guilt and the ONLY valid redefinition of guilt is the guilt of going against Life

Thus I commit myself to rise up and support Life to go into/as the World System and rewrite all the laws so the outcomes are Life-giving as the Living System

I commit myself to daily walk process

I commit myself to look at points and write them 'to completion' within the context of the principles, and to be open and public about my process in the best way to support others to walk this process as the Journey to Life.

I commit myself to when and as I notice guilt, to breathe as Self-Trust and find the gifts within the moment that triggered the reaction (if any) to guilt, and to walk the correction as Self-Trust and Life-giving Expansion

Ready to stop the guilt once and for all? Join the Facebook Group by finding us at where you will be exposed to the resources to change your life/Our Life forevermore in the best way

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Day 64 - Cutting Edge Walking the Physical

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to participate in the character of rushing/energy where my mind attempts to get a ‘leg up’ on the situation and just ‘hurry up and finish’ which is based in the self-interest of the mind, which uses anything it can to feed itself more energy, thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how I operate as SELF HONESTY and thus USE my mind as the tool that it is to calibrate myself, my body and my character to and as what is BEST for all which includes putting myself in these situations WILLINGLY where I face my reactions and my mind, to thus purify myself and support myself to ‘get out’ these characters and personalities, specifically the character of rushing based in self-interest

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that my character of self-interest is actually helpful in any way whatsoever, as it is NOT, if I operate from it.. it is only an indicator of the world-system as it currently exist, thus I can walk with it and as it and purify it as my dedication to building the projects I am working on, as walking the world system of speed/self-interest, money from the principle of doing what is BEST with the money and in the situations, where yes there will be more situations that come up where I will be tested and must discern what is best to do and best to focus on, and to catch myself if I operate from self-interest, yet as Life and Breath, I walk in Self-Trust as who I am is literally walking the cutting edge and this is real time as breath, I trust myself to express myself and speak up if necessary to actually do what is best, thus no more energy parasite taking over my body bitching and complaining to get energy, just steady self-perfection in EVERY breath

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the best definition of time, where time is the breath and the cycles of nature as the real starting point, and as I walk AS the physical, we purify the mind-consciousness-system as Living Self-Forgiveness and Self-Perfection, and as we walk the mind-consciousness system, new cycles of the world-system emerge as the world-system IS based off the physical, thus our home and what we accept and allow HERE is interconnected with the world system, thus I walk as Diligence and Effectiveness and Principle in all that I do as we build our home and community and the New World in Order/Heaven on Earth that is already Here as seeds that require nurturance, focus, breath and Life-giving activity which I trust myself to do and complete to the best of my ability

When and as I notice myself participating in the energy of rushing, I stop and I breathe

I realize that words and personalities and the physical mind is integrated into my flesh through words/images/sounds, and thus I must walk diligently for 7+ years AS the physical, sounding and rescripting myself as Self-Forgiveness, using TechnoTutor to re-program the words in the flesh and purify/process words, and thus establish myself as Living Example for others through my blogging, vlogging, podcasting, social media and who I am PHYSICALLY in my environment and community through building the Living System of our home and community, state, country and this world 

I realize that I have participated in thoughts that now give me access to the inter-dimensional quantum mind consciousness system within me, where these thoughts are fragments and actually gifts for me as my starting point is Life and Principle, thus these thoughts and reactions I experience are gifts that are actually Life-giving as my Starting Point is Life-giving

I realize that I must investigate and identify the weaknesses within my day where ever I find myself compromising Who I Am as Life, and to thus calibrate myself in the breath in the moment to what is best for all through Unconditional Living Self-Forgiveness and Living the Correction, taking any backchat/mind/personalities into the process of Self processing EVERYTHING for and as what is best for all to the best of my ability

I realize that when I say "the best of my ability" this literally means being willing to do whatever (within common sense reasoning) which includes the possibilities of rising to positions of power, fame, life longevity, travel, and whatever other experiences that are necessary, as any limitation is unacceptable, thus I live the Self-Realization Here as Life as Expansion

I realize that the real pace of Life is the physical, which I access as the breath, and this is the New World in Order/Heaven on Earth through me choosing to do what is best in every moment AS the physical walking my journey to Life so that all others may see me living the example living the principles as who I am


I commit myself to walk forward diligently, effectively and at the best speed within and as Self-Honesty and the Principles

I commit myself to when and as a thought comes up that indicates a personality of mine, to place words to it and apply self-forgiveness in the moment, and to also apply Living Self-Trust where I can place the words into my phone as a reminder for future self-forgiveness writing if necessary which I will discern in the moment in self-honesty and self-trust and self-responsibility

I commit myself to be willing to go as deep as necessary in self-forgiveness until the point is removed and then the correction is clear and the correction is walked, there is literally no benefit to doing self-forgiveness half-assed, as that is detrimental and allows for the mind to 'security update' itself, thus WALK THE POINT AND PURIFY/PERFECT IT through real physical writing/sounding, living the principles and walking the correction in real space-time reality.

Whoever reads this join the Facebook Group by finding us at where you will be exposed to the resources to change your life/Our Life forevermore in the best way

Monday, November 2, 2020

Day 63 - Elite Education Solutions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the personality system of looking outside of myself for answers and solutions to my problems, failing to see that I AM equal to and one with the solutions, it just requires the necessary self forgiveness and self correction

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize my equality and oneness with the business solutions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to from a young age, look to my parents for solutions, specifically in school when mom and dad would help me with my homework, my entire starting point was just to get the answer right, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed the personality of “I don’t get it” and within this to stagnate in my progress of cognitive development and understanding of problems and solutions

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for being retarded relative to the elite, where the elite go to these high level universities and they get these opportunities and access to positions of responsibility and power, which had equated to security in the world-system and having basic needs met, yet this is until Here and no further. The world system is changing.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not actually see myself as equal to the elite of the world, believing that they are separate from me, thus taking this separation personally as though I am so special that I cannot actually change and I am stuck, when in reality I can actually change, I am increasing my comprehension ability and my skills of self-development and self-perfection

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that by me seeing the elite as outside myself, I had been accepting and allowing the current/past power structure of the world as Elite, Middle Class, Poor, and judging myself and the other individuals of earth accordingly

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my starting point within building my businesses had been to prove myself to the other individuals of the world that I am worthy of the Elite, as I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that chasing ‘elite status’ is a mirage as the current world system is collapsing and changing, and there is a New Elite of Life that is Here, where Elite = Effectively Educated for and as Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when and as I think about business, to go into a state of conflict and energetic reaction that “I must build this” and “I am not sure how to build this”, until HERE no further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that since I begun with TechnoTutor and Desteni, my ability to learn, grow, adapt and get results that are real, measurable, verifiable, that I AM actually effective as Self-Directive Movement, and this is the real focus. So instead of spending myself on conflict and energy of money-generation/system-generation/business-generation, the best way to focus is on Self Expansion AS Living Systems of Life-Giving which effect EVERYTHING always and in all ways in/as equality and oneness 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for taking “so long” to realize that I am actually effective and able to do the right things, long enough, consistently to generate new leads, to bring the new leads through the sales cycle, to sell them TechnoTutor and then to really get them support to thus expand the starting point which had been Life-Giving Systems

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not clearly define WHO I AM AS LIFE-GIVING SYSTEMS, where:

I am flesh equal to and one with all Life, and there is programming in my flesh that effects what is the system that I am operating as in equality and oneness with the world system, thus the programming of/in my flesh is and must be structurally aligned to and as Life as this is who I am, yet I had accepted and allowed ‘less’ of myself, until Here no Further

The Life-giving system is me dedicated in every breath as my Self-Directive Principle to do what is best for all, which includes lead generation, sharing TechnoTutor, supporting people with TechnoTutor, and utilizing the support networks of TechnoTutor to build further systems that generate/transfer millions, then billions, then trillions of dollars to fund the Equal Life Party and the Equal Money System and all supporting systems of the New World in Order/Heaven on Earth 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the power of breath and Living Self-Forgiveness, where I stand by my self-forgiveness and completely trust my self, to do what is best for all, where I am living and supporting my Desteni AS the Desteni of the Universe


When and as I notice myself not participating in supportive thoughts/words/deeds of Living the Life-Giving System I stop and I breathe

When and as I notice myself participating in judgment of self/my abilities/my position in the world, I stop and I breathe

I realize that the Real Elite = Effectively Educated For and As Life

I realize that as a child I was not effectively educated for and as Life

I realize that now I am effectively educated for and as Life

I realize that change and Living Systems take time, yet every breath is the best time to continually live and support the Living Systems that I am

I realize that continually walking the cutting edge will include some nervousness, some fears, yet who I am is the Living Life-Giving System thus as I move, expand and continually walk the cutting edge, the more the structures grow, the more I grow, the more power we have as Life as Common Sense Solutions/Structures and this is what is best and thus I know I will ONLY feel the best if I do what is best, anything else is weakness.

I realize that roleplaying and practicing is necessary to support with who I am as the Life-Giving System in thought/word and deed to generate contacts, relationships with and as the World-System where we take the World-System and purify it through Living Words, Living Self-Forgiveness and Living Self-Responsibility as Self-Correction to thus Live the Solutions as Self-Directive Principle

I realize that breath and Self as Life-giving systems is essential to Life 


I commit myself to support myself as though I am a child, and to re-build the foundation that was missing from my childhood, to understand exactly WHY things are working, why things are not ‘working’ relative to living/establishing my goals and being the kind of person that gets 40 new contacts every week, 12 sales presentations and 2+ sales every week, thus walking and Living the Life-Giving System that IS The correction of the world-system

I commit myself to do whatever it takes as the starting point of common sense, where in my self-honesty I know what I can do and I choose to do it as who I am, such as presenting TT, practicing role playing, talking with ‘strangers’, supporting the groups and the content online as WHO I AM

I commit myself to stand by and as my self-forgiveness, so even in the chaos of living and the emotions/storms of the world-system changes, that I trust myself as who I am is WORTHY of Self-Trust and I live these principles as living example

I commit myself to when and as I notice myself judging the situation, to propose common sense practical best for all solutions, and to do this over and over and over until it is verifiable as WHO I AM, Living the Solutions as Living Heaven on Earth

Day 62 - Judging Time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe things should be happening in a certain timeline thus trapping myself in energetic points, placing myself out of equality and oneness

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to as a child want to get my mom to buy me a toy at target with urgency, I wanted to open the toy, get the toy and play with the toy immediately. I was obsessed with the toy aisle 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to throw common sense out the window, and go into a possession of craving the object, the toy and ultimately programming myself/accepting allowing programming of self-interest ‘get the toy at all costs NOW’

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that crying was a valid response for NOT getting the toy in the moment, and being willing to resort to cry, yell, scream, anything/everything necessary with emotional manipulation to get the toy from the store

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I had begun establishing my morality personality from the fucked up starting point, of being a ‘good boy’ in order to get the toys, and also to ‘not be a bad boy’ by noticing the rules like ‘don’t steal the toy’ and ‘listen to mom’, failing to apply this morality within common sense, it was ONLY self-interest and it was selective, instead of focusing on breath, what is best, and then from that point communicate with mom about the toy and playing with the toy

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge mom for not knowing exactly what I wanted as the toy, when I was the one who wasn’t clearly communicating

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge the situation as something that I had no directive control over, thus I resorted to energy and emotional manipulation, instead of breathing and looking for other ways to ‘get my way’ in a way that didn’t cause harm to others (which me emotionally manipulating mom, was actually me harming me, and all of the consequences of myself accepting/allowing the personality programming of self-interest and judging anything that wasn’t fulfilling my self-interested desire(s)

I forgive myself that I hadn’t accepted and allowed myself to realize and see and understand that my judgment of the situation was taking it personally. In reality, nothing is personal, it is all equal and one to what we accept and allow, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in equality and oneness, there is no judgment, just what is Here, nothing personal, yet AS this starting point HERE, I decide what is best for all, thus no judgment needed whatsoever, rather deciding what is best, so if there is a redefinition of judgment, it is a simple decision of what is best for all. 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge the timeline of events, and to spend myself in judgment of timelines and events, failing to see/realize/understand Self-Honesty indicates that Now is all we have, and in every breath I can choose to expand Here as Life, as this is the real timeline, breath by breath expansion as/of Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that judgments have emotion/something taken personal in them, when reality shows that we are one and equal as all, thus what is best and within/as common sense is operating as and for what is best, so regardless of the timelines and how fast things are happening relative to one another, such as world events, and the pace of my business growth, myself as starting point in oneness and equality is PRINCIPLE

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the whole in judgment, until Here no Further

When and as I notice myself participating in separating myself as judgment I stop and I breathe

I realize self is being spent on judgment, and the inverse of this is being Here in practicality, Expanding one and equal with and as all

I realize that I am the creator, the created and the creation, thus I am 100% responsible as and for everything that is Here, all the good, all the evil, and I decide what is BEST from Here

I realize I had been standing in the position of victim, seeing myself as separate and unable to effect change, until NOW I am one and equal with and as all as I walk this process as the Journey to Life in Self-Honesty

I commit myself to live as expansion as Life, here in equality and oneness for and as what is best for all Life, stopping any and all thoughts, committed to living by principle and breath

I commit myself to breath by breath do what makes sense as practical living solutions thus no focus on timing as separate from me is needed, rather time IS me as the breath, thoughts ARE me as what I’ve accepted and allowed, Forgiveness and correction IS me as the breath