Friday, July 3, 2020

Day 48 - Observation of Living Words

I am responsible for the words I choose.
I observe and use words EVERY day, an innumerable amount of words.
Sometimes the words are powerful and carry meaning and thus benefit the situation.
This is my observation of Living Words and the rewriting of my self so Self as Life comes through in every single word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not develop my understanding and Living of Words so effectively that Who I AM as Life comes through as I speak that resonates with anyone and everyone who sees/hears/gets near my words

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the resonance of the Living Words means that my Words are literally Alive as I speak them, with clear definition of what they mean as they are all placed within the context of creating the world/words Best for All Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have diverted myself from fully being Here, fully Living as Worthy as God as Creator as Universe to thus direct all things in complete self-honesty as I am hONEst as ALL as ME

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand my programming from my entire life and lineage has been of self-dishonesty where thus my words are dishonest and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waste words on the program that has enslaved, where words haven’t meant anything, so I would use them as filler as energy, instead of as Life Authority, Until Here No Further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the Living Flesh and Living Words is Here and True as Me, therefore I create my reality and our reality through words and this is a process where time and space and the dimensionality of Life on and as Earth has delay in the manifestation, so I am committed to consistent application of Living Words, being Self-Aware of every word I speak and thus to use words as Support for All of Life to do and be Best for All Life.

When and as I notice myself saying words that do not carry ‘weight’ and ‘gravity’, and power, I stop and I breathe

I realize that the words I speak matter

I realize that Living Words means LIVING the WORDS, with understanding that the words have definitions and meaning, therefore Who I am as Life comes through in ALL words, and I am clearing out and clarifying these words so they ALWAYS and in ALL WAYS are supportive of ALL LIFE

I realize that I am realizing Self through Words

I realize that it is OK to slow down and intentionally use words, to breathe, and to trust my self-expression with and as words

Therefore I commit myself to redefine and clarify every single word possible so that the word is defined within and as the context of what is best for all Life

I commit myself to live the vocabulary of what is best for all Life

I commit myself to purify my vocabulary

I commit myself to support others to purify their vocabulary

I commit myself to purify the global collective vocabulary across all languages that we all support what is best for all Life now and forevermore