Thursday, April 30, 2020

Day 24 - Gift of Pain and Tiredness

I remember in my youth I felt uncomfortable around sleep 

My first memory of sleep involves pain of having an ear ache and just wanting to fall asleep but I couldn’t because the pain was throbbing. 

There is a gift in this memory and through Self-Forgiveness I will give to myself the realizations, then through my Self-Directive Principle I am committed to transforming myself to do what is best always and in all ways.
I was very young and felt helpless. 

I was exhausted and tired and in pain

I wanted sympathy and someone to comfort me

I remember laying in a dark room

I remember seeing the red lights on the alarm clock timer against the black around it

I remember physically feeling pain in my ear and the center of my head

The sound was quiet
The sight was black and with a little red
The sensation was pain
The taste was bad and gross as I could tell my body was sick and weak
My body felt lethargic and weak 
My body was craving sleep and wanting to keep my eyes closed but I could not bring myself to sleep and I was in pain

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that the breath is the great regulator, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have abdicated responsibility of continued and prolonged and systematic breathing over time, with focused duration, and with this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to breathe and direct my breath over a prolonged time to regulate my physical body and be OK with pain/discomfort and to be present with it and understand the gifts/teaching within the pain/discomfort/tiredness

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed the abdication of responsibility to direct myself to do what is best throughout ALL times, which includes when I am tired, sick, ‘not feeling like it’ or feeling a MOOD aka DOOMED

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to understand that mom was doing her best to take care of me, and I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to participate in the healing process by supporting mom and talking with her about the best process of healing, and the understanding that healing takes time and the process of healing may be painful yet the process of who one becomes through the pain/hardship is important as character develops and can develop in a way that is best or in a way that is not best, through this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the character activation and recreation of the pain-avoider-whiner, where I avoid pain and whine about pain, failing to be present, to practice breath and breathing, and to prove to myself that always and in all ways I can direct myself to what is best, therefore proving my self-trust and self-honesty to be unshakeable

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for the lack of pain I have gone through in comparison to others’ suffering in this world, believing that I am less ‘valid’ of a person because the pain (if it were to be measured) has not been as intense, or over as much duration, compared to my perception of others’ in the world, which is missing the point of what is pain and my own journey and who/what I am capable of becoming provided I direct myself always and in all ways

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the creation of the character of the ‘comparer’, where I compare my journey and ‘what I have done’ to what I perceive others’ journey to be and ‘what they have done’, this entire time failing to take responsibility for myself and what I have accepted and allowed within myself as an absolute individual, as the comparer has their focus externally, when it is best to establish self-honest observation and investigation within Self first (and to, within self-honesty, understand the comparison with others in the best way which is as cross-referencing within full self-responsibility and self-directive principle to bring oneself back to self and self’s process) - and through this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize the best way of of transforming this character of the ‘comparer’ through self-forgvieness and self-corrective application into being the kind of person that self-honestly is interacting with others and supporting others, which I know includes being present, breathing, assisting with sharing the tools of breath and self-forgiveness, all from the starting point of Self-Awareness that I am Here as ME, as an Absolute Individual, yet equal to and one with Life, and I am Here to give as I want to receive, and as I do this, THIS is the real character that I am changing myself into, day by day consistently proving myself always and in all ways, to be a principled character that lives the principles always and in all ways, therefore no need for comparison to my perception of others’ struggles, rather an honest investigation of all and keeping what is best, yet within myself and my self honesty, directing myself to what is best through the principles and the understanding that my process is my process, and others’ process is their process, and we walk this together, side-by-side in oneness and equality

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand and LIVE the gift that is pain and tiredness, as the pain and the tiredness are cross-reference points for me to understand where I am in my process, and how effective I am within breath and the breath accumulation equation, where I Will either stand in and as oneness and equality and accumulate breath as Life, or I will not, through my abdication of responsibility and abdication of Life authority to exist as energy authority, the real choice is mine in every moment to direct myself to what is best, or to not..

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the backchat and the behaviors of ‘escaping pain/feeling bliss/desiring bliss/falling asleep’ as the first order consequence of the sleep/comfort/immediate satisfaction, and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to direct myself to this feeling of bliss, completely unaware of the real consequence, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to utilize breath and self-directive principle to do what is actually best, whether it feels good or not, through this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to apply and live common sense in my daily habits and application of myself Here in and as the physical, where I walk the process of Living as LIFE, not as energy, where Life sometimes does not ‘feel’ good, but the principle of directing myself and acting in ways that are truly good and best will pass the test of time, unlike the fleeting energetic emotional experience, the structure that is Living in Principle remains

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not investigate my relationship with sleep/tiredness and pain, and in this abdication of responsibility of investigation, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the weakness and the abdication of gifting myself the realizations and insights that tiredness, pain, weakness are all actually able to be good, as they are cross-reference points of where I must develop myself, so that always and in all ways I direct myself to and as what is best

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself unconsciously, subconsciously and consciously to avoid pain and tiredness, without actually living the principles of doing what is best, regardless of the pain or tiredness that may come up, because the principles endure, when the pain and tiredness will come to pass

When and as I notice myself feeling tired or in pain, I stop and I breathe

I realize that through enduring breath, time after time, I can and will remain Here in the physical, regulating myself and remaining able to actually direct myself to what is best

I realize that sometimes sleep IS best, as there is physical tiredness, and breath + Self-Honesty is the key to understanding the difference and discerning physical tiredness and mental tiredness

I realize that pain is a gift, to support oneself to understand the physical, and to better understand what is required in situations to bring about what is best, to learn how to support oneself through breathing and living, through self-directive principle and consistent application of principle and breath and self-forgiveness, all within and as patience and perfection, to establish true Self-Honesty and Self-Trust, that is unshakeable as the pain is not the director, but Self as Life is the director, that will be proven over time and real consistent application

I realize that for the first time in my Life I now see the meaning in pain/suffering, as I know it can all be directed to what is best, that there does not need to be hope OR hopelessness, rather just breath and self-honesty and self-directive will, to consistently and over duration remain Here in the physical as Breath, always and in all ways directing myself to what is best, accumulating more and more and more responsibility, within and as myself through any emotional/physical state, to then in equality and oneness as all of Life, to be Here and directing Self as Life always and in all ways to what is best

I realize that the gift within the ear ache and tiredness in the middle of the night is that I now have a cross reference of first order consequences of myself directing myself to just desiring to sleep, while the second and third order consequences from that are weakness as I did not have self-directive will and active participation in the healing process and the understanding of the healing process, rather I abdicated my responsibility to my mom and to medicine which was ‘outside myself’ failing to see/realize/understand that my body and breath is what does the healing, and I CAN utilize support from others and medicine, but it must be done in self-honesty, not just from energy-authority wanting ‘it to be over’, as that is the robbing of the gifts from myself, therefore…

I commit myself to do what is best, always and in all ways

I commit myself to uncover and live the gifts within pain and tiredness

I commit myself to Self-Honest investigation and Self-Directive Will no matter what state/pain/tiredness/situation I am in

I commit myself to investigate and use common sense in assessing consequence, and to direct myself in all ways to the best consequence and the purification of all consequence that has been accumulated, so that all consequence and all of Life that is Here is directed to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to direct myself through tiredness, to remember and prove to myself that ALL WAYS and ALWAYS implies even if I am tired and do not ‘feel good’ that principle remains and I am committed do what is best, and I am committed to proving to myself that I am committed to and will do what is best

I commit myself to honor my body and to understand specifically what are the cross-reference points within myself so I can honor my body and rest and physically recharge from a place of Self-Honest Self-Awareness and Self-Directive Principle

I commit myself to direct myself through pain, to remember and prove to myself that ALL WAYS and ALWAYS implies even if I am in pain, to whatever degree, that I STILL direct myself through breath, self-honesty and common sense, remembering that I am Here as Life and I will continue to Give as Life and Give as I want to receive, and I know I will be tested and I am committed to proving this to myself

I commit myself to stand and walk as a living example, whether I am tired or in pain or do not feel like it, therefore proving to myself in reality that always and in all ways I do what is best and I direct ALL levels, all dimensions, all timelines, all aspects of my mind-consciousness system and all aspects of the world-system to what is best, no matter what comes up, tiredness, pain, memories, emotions, backchat, unconscious behaviors/mannerisms, anything, I commit myself to direct EVERYTHING to what is best through my breath and Self-Honesty, moment to moment, enduring, Here as Life in oneness and equality

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 23 - Rewrite the Rules to Be Best for All

There are rules to games that we play and sometimes they make sense, other times they do not. To understand what is actually best, look at the larger context of what is best for all Life, then we can look at who we are within the game, and either participate in the game in honesty and integrity, or we can propose new solutions for the games. When we can see that the rules of the game are solid and supportive of Life and there is a purpose of the game, then we can participate in equality and oneness of realizing we are equal and we agree to play by the rules. Or perhaps we realize that the rules are not best and therefore we can propose a newer better version of the game that is actually best, meaning it is supportive of Life.

I remember back in school the first time I ever cheated on anything was playing the game Heads up 7 Up.

It was a game where we would put our heads on our desk and kids came around and touched the thumb on our hands, I figured out I could look down and see the shoes of whoever touched my thumb.

I would then be able to identify the person who touched my thumb and I would thus “win” and be able to “be up”, and one of the pickers in the game, because I was not randomly guessing who ‘picked me’ I just saw their shoes and used that to choose

Once I accepted and allowed myself to cheat, even if it was honestly an accident that I noticed the shoe once, I kept doing it even though I felt guilty, but it felt good to win, so I accepted and allowed myself to cheat, win, and continue in my cheating, creating a nasty cycle and character of being a cheater. Until Here no further.

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to look down during the game and look at the shoes of the person, which gave me an unfair advantage in who I could pick, and thus win the game.
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to keep the secret to myself of the realization that one could look at the shoe and cheat, in this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that I could have spoken up which would then have equalized the playing field among all and been a new chance for us to set new updated agreements and rules to the game which are more robust to ensure fairness to all playing by the same rules I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to compromise my integrity by cheating in the game, failing to understand the consequences of me cheating and not immediately correcting the behavior by understanding what I did, acknowledging the breaking of the agreement, taking responsibility and then taking the necessary Self-Corrective Application to re-establish the agreement between myself and the others playing the game.

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to justify my cheating as being smart and knowing how to manipulate the rules of the game, therefore excusing myself and placing the blame on others, instead of being honest within myself and acknowledging I was cheating, I was participating unfairly in the game, and in this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that it is best to examine my starting point within playing the game and looking at the consequences of cheating or not cheating within the greater context of Life and who I am within playing the game and being alive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I was young, that it was acceptable for me to not live within the principles of integrity and honesty and self-trust and doing what is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the pattern of spite, by me cheating in the game and not caring about the consequences of my cheating in the degradation of my character and the degradation of my relationship with others, as when I cheat, I am accepting and allowing that cheating to spread as an acceptance and allowance into every facet of Life, until Here no further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to examine what is actually best in my participation with established systems, like schooling and the game heads up 7 up played in the classroom, in this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that the purpose of me being in school and playing these games was to test my character, to train my ability to problem solve, and to test myself to prove to myself  that I can become equal to and one with a system, while remaining within principle and doing what is best and directing myself and the system itself to what is best for all Life always and in all ways

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am superior to the world-systems and the games, failing to realize the necessity of equality and oneness within the system and the games to then purify the system and the games to what is actually best for all Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am superior to others because I figured out how to win at the game through cheating, failing to see our equality in and as Life, and failing to see my responsibility in speaking up and directing myself and everyone to investigate and establish the rules of the game that they are supportive of all Life and the starting point is actually Life, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that Who I Am within and as the games, COULD have been Life, but I abdicated that responsibility until now as I re-write and re-right myself through Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application to stand equal to and one with Life and to direct all systems and everything on Earth to actually be supportive of Life and the expansion of Life within the Principles of Life

I forgive myself that I did not see that my participation within and as the cheating character is how I perpetuate the pattern of excuse, justification, blame and spitefulness, where I feel superior to other people who do not understand the rules of the game and how to manipulate them (cheat) and through this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand that it is through my participation that this pattern of spitefulness and energy-authority will perpetuate as I am allowing myself to create and recreate this experience within and as myself, until Here no further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see, realize and understand that I am creative and I can speak up, propose new rules and vote for new rules and a new game, and to realize that I am able to lead others and that we are able to work together to establish better rules that are supportive of Life and doing what is actually best, within the system of the game and within the larger context of all of Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the gift within the cheating experience, that I had been blind to realizing that I have the ability to direct myself to not cheat, and also that I have a voice and I can speak up, expose the cheating as I had become equal to and one with it, and through this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to take responsibility to work together with others to facilitate and propose solutions to recreate better rules within the game, or to establish a new game, that is actually supportive of all of Life that is participating in the game and beyond

I forgive myself that I did not see that my participation within and as the cheating character is how I perpetuated the pattern of guilt of seeing myself as inferior to others who I perceived were not cheating and just following the rules, where I feel inferior to others and through this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize and understand that it is through my participation in this pattern of the cheating character and the guilt of cheating that I will perpetuate the pattern as I am allowing myself to create and recreate this experience within and as myself, until Here no further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that guilt is a gift and that I am able to use guilt as a cross-reference to see/realize/understand where i am not being completely honest within myself to actually direct the overall situation to what is best, rather I had been accepting and allowing my limitations and the feelings associated with guilt instead of applying self-forgiveness, self-corrective application and then actually directing the entire situation within myself and all to what is actually best within Self-Honesty, Self-Trust, Self-Awareness and Self-Directive Principle

When and as I notice cheating in myself and in others, I stop and I breathe

I realize that cheating means the rules of the game are being manipulated, and this must be addressed

I realize that I am smart enough and wise enough to direct conversations to understand the rules of the game, why the cheating is happening, and what course correction must happen where all may be able to remain in integrity and not cheat, rather just play the game in fairness and in honesty

I realize that the gift in the cheating and the shame/guilt/blame that follows all serves as a gift as those feelings/emotions/thoughts/characters/mannerisms are all cross-reference points for me to see where I have abdicated responsibility, and for me to take on more responsibility and stand equal to and one with Life and direct everything and all things to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to establish rules of systems and games so that they support Life in all ways and all ways in the largest context of Life which is ALL of Life

I commit myself to self-honest self-reflection and investigation to complete and total Self-Perfection where I can stand in and as Life and direct everything to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to gift myself all the gifts within Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application and to Live as a Living Example for others of the gift that is Life that is realized through Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application

I commit myself to Self-Honesty, Self-Trust and Self-Responsibility to do what is best always and in all ways, now and forevermore

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 22 - Money Agreement

I remember when I was a kid I would get money from helping with chores from my grandma.

I had 3 jars in my room that my mom and dad gave me to try and teach me about saving money. I say try - because I did not comprehend what the meaning of each jar was and what the purpose of saving was. They were old jars and there was tape on each of them.

Spending, Saving, Giving.

I remember putting money into the spending jar.

I saw the money in the spending jar, the amount was much more than the saving and the giving jars. 

I noticed the reaction within myself when they were uneven. 

I did not care about saving because it was not as fun to think about as my spending jar.

I noticed a few coins in the giving jar because I wanted to give out of guilt that I had seen my parents do it at church. 

I did not understand the giving jar.

I did not understand the significance of the jars, and I did not formulate a plan to actually use those jars in harmony with what is best for all Life. This was the beginning of my abusive starting point with money.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to ask mom and dad to explain the significance of the three jars as much as necessary for me to actually comprehend and understand them, and within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to understand what the best ‘balance’ looks like with the amount of money in each jar, with a plan to make the money begin working for me

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that principles of doing what is best within money and Life is actually the proper starting point within money, and this journey and realization takes time to understand for oneself but it absolutely best to prioritize this journey, which is what I am now rewriting and taking full responsibility for

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to react with positive emotions and energy to putting money into the spending jar, and to immediately go into the mind-consciousness-system thinking thoughts, leading to feelings/emotions, leading to subconscious characters and then unconscious behavior/mannerisms of consumption and imagination of consumption/fantasizing on the ways to spend my money, completely abdicating responsibility for doing what is actually best, in thought, word and deed, which is using that money as a symbolic representation of my understanding of wealth and how to effectively distribute wealth in Life-giving ways, then also using the 3 jars to invest in the proper steps to changing my own inner mind-consciousness system and the world-system of money (the global economy) to one of equality and oneness where everyone can have and share and create a world that is best and a system of money that is Life-giving where all basic needs are met, freeing us up to go to the next levels of innovation, creativity, prosperity, overall well-being and establishing the next level of humanity as one that all have enough

I forgive myself that I had not accepted and allowed myself to understand what the best balance of the jar amounts is and an effective plan to ensure the jars are Life-giving to all Life, properly scaling up from tiny amounts of money to massive amounts of money, as the principles come first as starting point, with self-trust with money being imperative to being trustworthy with more money

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed the energy/emotion authority within, and I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed abdication of my directive will and responsibility, by even giving myself the option of using the 3 jars with no clear plan in place for saving/investing/giving/spending, it was an acceptance and allowance of energetic authority and energetic ‘in the moment’ experience when I would open the drawer and put money in, without any principle and plan in place to do what is best no matter how I feel, until Here no further

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that saving is the practice of responsibility and delayed gratification, and that the savings themselves can be used to purchase assets that create more money that can be used to cover basic needs and then free up myself to then become a stable economic point in the system to be Life-giving to others

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to react negatively emotionally with allocating capital, as when I put the money in the savings jar I experienced fear of loss, that the energetic experience I was hoping for with the spending was ‘taken away’, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that my brain was hijacked by consumerism, failing to see that exchanging money from my spending jar for a good/service that I wanted was actually feeding the entire system of gain/loss with money all for the temporary emotional experience of buying an item, keeping me locked into my level within the system of mediocrity and inability to actually become Life-giving within and as my relationship to money and the world-system

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to understand and comprehend delayed gratification with money, and in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to plan effectively with a money agreement within myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to understand and comprehend compound interest and the power of investing my savings wisely so the money makes more money, with the starting point end point being equal and one resource distribution to all within the world-system

I forgive myself I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to create a money agreement with myself and others, failing to see/realize/understand that money is a tool that can and will be used for what is best for all Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the power of the giving jar/account for giving, that an effective giving jar/account for giving - within the correct starting point of doing what is best for ALL Life - is what is ACTUALLY best, as that is the real living in and of the principles, the giving jar/account for giving becomes a fund for philanthropy/philanthrocapitalism that puts the power of money to work, to transform the current world system and rewrite/reprogram/evolve the distribution of resources to one where all are ensure their basic needs are met

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the negative feeling emotional attachments of guilt, charity, giving, which is a complete abomination of me taking responsibility, as it is abdication of responsibility and feeds an entire system that has proven over and over to not actually change the world system, therefore any and every dollar I have it is my responsibility to direct that dollar where it is best to go

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that charities may be repurposed to what is best, as the infrastructure MAY be there to actually be a node in the network of the Equal Money System, and Equal Resource Distribution System, so I commit myself to investigate charities further and connect with those that are decision-makers to begin sharing process with them and to come into principled agreement and money agreement with any and every charity willing to ACTUALLY do what is best for all Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand the connection between the jars, that they were representative of a portfolio for allocating capital, with proper checks and balances in place to ensure the amount is accumulating/growing and facilitating the living of the principles, as that is money as a useful tool, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse money and be blind to the effective/best use of money, until Here no further

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to pick up the book that was sitting in the family library called ‘the intelligent investor’ and in this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to initiate conversation with money, saving, giving all from the starting point of actually doing what is best for all of Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize common sense within money, and establishing the starting point of ‘give as I want to receive’ and within this, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to properly see/realize/understand the order of allocating capital/resources/time/attention that will allow me to give MASSIVELY as I want to receive MASSIVELY, to the largest extent humanly possible, giving Life and resources in and as equality and oneness within the economy on a global scale, bringing ALL of humanity up to the next level that we may access our next levels of ability as a collective intelligence, which allocating capital properly throughout the world-system is a necessary step, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that savings/investing comes first, then understanding the best vehicles for savings/investing, then next comes the understanding and optimization of spending for basic needs coupled with the understanding and optimization of giving for basic needs for others, that this equality and oneness within myself and the giving to others is the establishment of responsibility and the scaling up of this will be possible as I establish the responsibility on the smaller scale and assist/support others to do the same, that way we can all be trusted equally with money and doing what is best, because we will be in money agreement together and principle agreement together

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that saving/investing is how one has their money work for them, which frees one up completely to then actually do what is best, which is educating the planet and then sharing this wisdom of money/resource distribution and a plan for accumulating wealth/becoming a node in the network for resource distribution for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed brainwashing of consumerism and money to be valued over Life, when Life IS the only real value, and I will prove this through my thoughts/words/deeds and Who I Am within and as Money

When and as I notice myself in relationship to money, I stop and I breathe

I realize that my plan is in place, I allocate a certain amount for my basic needs to be covered, and then allocate percentages to savings/investments/basic needs/business growth (which is giving)

I realize that charities and businesses are able to be repurposed to what is best for all Life, if those that comprise the charity and business are willing to walk process and stand in and as Life

I realize I am connected with experts in money/finance and I must become equal to and one with the expert in money/finance and direct these relationships in full responsibility to do what is best for all Life

I realize the world-system of money can and will become a Life-giving system akin to the human body where blood/nutrients flow to every cell and every organ

I realize I am responsible for my health of my body and who I am as my physical body will be directly reflected in the outer world

I realize that my starting point within money, spending, investing, saving and giving is now Life, and I will prove to myself that this is so

I realize that I have my money agreement within myself by my understanding of my portfolio and my following through of thought/word/deed/actions to Live the money agreement

I realize that I am trustworthy with my money and others money to do what is best to assist/support others who are in alignment within principle, to then come into agreement with me/Life within and as Money

I realize Who I Am within Money is Life, and I will prove this over and over until I stand as a visible Living Example of what is best for all Life which includes money and resource-distribution to all of the planet

I realize that the giving arm of my vehicle is ALSO my responsibility, I do not trust a random charity to do what is best and I refuse to give money out of any starting point that is not best for all Life

I realize that I DO know what is best to do with money

I realize that together we will do what is best with money

I realize that I do trust myself to follow through with my decisions on money

I realize that I have enough vehicles of wealth that it is just now a game of patient urgency, and now establishing the systems of the businesses/networks that will become the Life-giving pulses throughout the world-system of money

I realize that money is supportive and Life-giving ONLY if that is my starting point, therefore

I commit myself to the starting point of Life-giving in every thought/word/deed

I commit myself to abide by my portfolio as it is my money agreement

I commit myself to establish the global network of resource distribution so that all may have their needs met, and that this is ensured, so that no self-interest parasitism happens, rather we walk step by step to complete symbiosis and harmony, experiencing the greatest health of the human body we have ever experienced

I commit myself to prove to myself that much like the Body will naturally heal itself given the right nutrition and support, that the Body of Humanity will heal itself given the right nutrition and support, which I am committed to establish through Who I Am within and as Life and the global network

I commit myself to reform/repurpose charity to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to reform/repurpose the global economies to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to breathe and be Here, as I trust myself to direct myself and others to Live in agreement within principles and within money

I commit myself to do what is best, always and in all ways, that all humans may Live as Life in equality and oneness in all ways