Friday, October 23, 2020

Day 61 - Observations of Power (Part 4 - Commitments)

When and as I notice myself degrading the living power that I am, I stop and I breathe

I realize that Self-Correction is Powerful

I realize that as I walk this journey to Life I am amassing more power AS Life, for Life

I realize that self-interest is the opposite of power, even though there is an illusion of the ‘power of free choice’ in reality this is disempowering, as I am one and equal with all, thus anything that is NOT best for all (just self-interested) is actually missing the point of the equality and oneness that is being birthed from the physical as Self as REAL Living Power

I realize that if I am not HERE I have no Power

I realize that emotions/feelings/energy/moods degrade power, and to Live the Correction means to immediately take and act as Living Power and Forgive/Live the Correction and Welcome the future tests as I am Here as Life walking this journey to and as Life as what is best for all Life, this is WHO I AM

I realize that Power is coordinated systems and effort, and this results in more power being generated from harmony and focused work and labor as Life as Nature working together in harmony as the starting point of Life and what is best for all Life, thus I continually establish myself as Living Power and Correcting anything that is not empowering

I realize that through my schedule, the details of my Living, every single interaction, thought, word and deed, that EVERYTHING is all equal and one as Living Power, and the lowest weakest point is who I really am, as this is showing me my acceptance and allowance, thus I walk as humility realizing what I have accepted and allowed myself to become, yet simultaneously I walk as Life as what is best for all Life, as this is who I am and in every breath I prove this realization of Living Power

I realize I am able to influence, communication and talk/ask questions, and putting myself on the ‘front lines’ the ‘cutting edge’ even though uncomfortable and risky, is the best most powerful way for me to expand and grow my power as Life through my coordination and purification of Self as Self-Perfection 


I commit myself to correct any misuse of power within myself, where I am powering the parasite of consciousness, and to implement self-forgiveness and sound the self-forgiveness, the correction, use TT as necessary and establish myself with practical common sense solutions Here and Now through what I do and what I plan to do and thus fulfill at the correct time and place according to my calendar which I honor and commit myself to agree to and Live this/flow like water as agreement as Life in and as Integrity as Life and Living Words

I commit myself to Live the words Common Sense Self-Power, where I utilize the Power of Life as Self, Walking the Corrections, Establishing and supporting the systems of corrections, and integrating feedback from the environment to thus correct and purify and perfect Self and the Systems so that All of Life is Honored, Realized and Dignified

I commit myself to show myself that anything my mind thinks is inconvenient, that within common sense if it is best to do, that I just fucking do it and build up the Self-Power and Self-Trust that results in what is best for all Life, as anything else will obviously create consequence and in unacceptable. Who am I really? Self-Power as Life, or ego bullshit?

I commit myself to breathe as Breath = Real Power, to walk as Life, the trillions of cells as me, where no thoughts no matter how ‘real’ they may appear, that NONE of them can direct me, just Self as Breath is Here as Self-Directive Principle, Living Power and Empowering all Life as Best as Possible in each and every breath

Day 60 - Observations of Power (Part 3)

 I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not completely word-effectively the self-forgiveness required to trap and eliminate all of these patterns of ‘willingness to go to emotion’ believing that the ‘emotion is the real power’, failing to see/realize/understand the limitation of the emotion and the embedded/embodied/crystallized patterns of the emotion, until Here no Further as I walk the correction as LIVING PRINCIPLE, welcoming the tests as for what is BEST, where we walk together the correction as REAL POWER, which is the Physical, which is Common Sense and the ability to remain stable, effective, powerful and Here, breath by breath, BEING HERE

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the tests are where real power comes from in ways that I can clearly see it physically, as at one point in the past, I could not ‘successfully’ complete the test in the best way, where NOW I am practicing and developing myself to successfully complete the tests in the best way, as this is real power as coordinated effort, common sense and AS the starting point of the Life, the Physical, Here, doing what is BEST for all Life Here. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not competently understand exactly what Living Power looks like for and as myself and the world, where real power is actually coordinated effort and the starting point of equality, connectedness and support, giving as we would like to receive

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my schedule, my day to day living where I am flowing through activities and expanding myself, going beyond my comfort zone, living common sense, having fun from the starting point of expansion and living, that this is what is best as Living Power as the Physical as Practical Common Sense

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in the details of my day, THIS is where I can see Living Power, such as ‘do I go into my mind’, am I absent minded, am I doing pointless activities that could be improved upon, then IN THESE MOMENTS, to physically walk the correction and understand/gather the gifts to immediately correct self as this is the best time to walk the correction Here and Now to thus change and live and amass power as Self, GIVING self power

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being like water through the day while living the principles is Power embodied, as my calendar is the basic structure of the flow of the water, then as Life I flow, through and as the structure, able to be what is best in any situation, not too rigid, just powerful, effective, adaptive and equalizing all as a force of nature, supporting all as a force of nature

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that me second-guessing myself and participating in the character/personality of self-sabotage is what degrades my power, as this is self separating self from self, thus the forgiveness: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself from the beginning to now, accept and allow separation within and without as energy from the physical, in ways that are not common sense and best for all, where the only acceptable and allowable relationship of matter/physical to energy/mind, is that which is calibrated to what is best for all which is KNOWN and UNDERSTOOD as Living the Principles, verifiable and stable, consistent, Living the Self-Forgiveness and the Self-Correction necessary to Live the Self-Commitments as the Power OF the Physical, For the Physical, as the Physical, as what is best for all (the physical)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is power, in reality money is attracted to and flows through powerful systems where value is created and the systems are manipulated in ways that money is amplified and increased in amount, thus the focus on money is an illusion that saps power away from Self, rather the focus on doing what is best is what matters as this is real Power, as what is best is developing communication abilities, providing/connecting products and services with the right people, this is real power through connection, coordination, correction and commitment of Self to What is Best for All, HERE, and processing all the necessary information, putting the pieces/people together through communication and the diligent, persistent effort required to coordinate, maintain and then effectively expand these systems so more power is able to be held, generated and points then plugged into the system, where then money is a result of the system, as the real value is people coming together being exposed to what is best, being supported to live and walk as what is best and thus share this with others, thus expanding Heaven on Earth as walking the process in the best effective and sustainable way within the context of the current world system within the greater context of what is best for all Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand the power that is the Desteni I Process, of walking process diligently through and as DIP Pro, where I am opening up these characters that had been integrated into my flesh, and point by point working through these characters, the fear character, the desire character, the judge character, where in each of these points, point by point I dismantle the energy, the construct and then correct the physical as the words that are here, written, spoken and then LIVED as SELF in the WORLD, thus I am forgiving myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid and shirk the responsibility that is the power of being Self in and as this System, yet it’s Here now as this writing and as this Living, as fear, desire and judgment are all re-defined as what is best for all Life, as these characters had been integrated in self as self/parts of self, yet the correction is walked daily as I define and Live Self-Power completely Here, the only character remaining as the Physical as what is best for all Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to fear power, failing to realize that it is BEST to understand power and define power in the best way for self within this context of what is best for all, where POWER = Coordinated effort, Principle and Process

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to desire power from the starting point of self-interest only, until Here no Further, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my desire of power is NOW within the context of what is best for all Life and I walk this Living Proof as this is the Principles which are my starting point and I direct myself in every moment as these Living Principles and Living Words

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the common sense that the only real power is the Principles of what is best for all Life, as anything else results in sure death as self-interest/ego and isolation with nothing but regret in the final moments as self had missed the point of being Here in equality and oneness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I had judged power as bad, that the image of power I had accepted and allowed was the image of someone who is ‘above’ the system, the law, and these people are evil/bad, failing to realize that WE ARE ALL THE SAME THING, we are all this physical reality, it is US that is evil, that is believing we are ‘above the law’ and superior/inferior to others, thus proving our lack of real power as the Physical as the same power that has created all of existence, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the redefinition of power is a process of walking the gifts of this reality, everything from the ‘good’ to the ‘bad’, to the gifts of the judgments of those I had perceived as powerful, where the new definition of Power as what is best for all comes as the observations of self as Power, of Power as and for what is best for all, and as the world/others observing me and the others walking this process, together as Life, as real focused, stable, effective, common sensical power, and thus the REAL power of Life, where the only valid judgment is whether one is doing what is best for all Life or not, and as this we walk as Living Power

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid the responsibility of being the judge/authority/power AS LIFE FOR LIFE, where I can determine/decide what is best for all Life, within and as common sense reasoning, understanding and factoring in consequence, second, third, fourth, fifth and beyond-consequence, where the principle of what is best for all and the other Principles of Desteni are walked as what is BEST and anything that is seen as degrading and not honoring the principles is able to be judged and corrected, not from a moralistic starting point… no. From the starting point AS LIFE, FOR LIFE, this is the power that I as Life have…..

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Day 59 - Observations of Power (Part 2)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe from a young age that I am not worthy of power because I was/am small relative to others, physically and in stature, composure, effect and ability to influence, until Here no Further as I write this correction starting with the self-forgiveness

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to equate and define power to physical size, failing to realize/see/understand that real power is coordinated effort, like the ants, the bacteria, even the militias or the machinery throughout the ages, where individual size is only important in the context of what is required to be done, and as my starting point is HERE and CLEAR of doing what is BEST for all, in all times, every moment, my physical size is good enough, I am now fitting in and integrating with the others that are walking as what is best for all, as the REAL power comes from our coordination and combined efforts, consistency, support and commitment/corrections as we Live the Principles visibly 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that it’s even possible to be born and from a young age, develop ‘high stature’ for myself, rather I now see the common sense that this tendency of stature/respect/development/achievement is a character that is developed by parents and the environmental programming from a young age, where stature MUST be re-defined as what is BEST for all Life, as stature based in anything but what is best, is ‘missing the mark’, as the ONLY valid form of stature is within the context of what is best for all Life, anything else is a egotistical self-interested desire that is unworthy of Life as a definition thus must be redefined, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand and coordinate the points within me of the common sense realization that I am a man of stature, there are many achievements and points I have completed from my self-directive will that thus SHOW me the self-worthiness/self-stature/self-respect that I now choose to Live that I had been blind to

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the power of maintaining composure, where from a young age I would utilize emotion and ‘breaking down’ as an attempt to manipulate my environment to ‘get my way’, failing to realize that REAL power is the ability to talk, explain, coordinate and direct situations effectively through persuasion, listening and communication, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the composure of real power, Self-Composure, breath in each moment directing self to what is best and supporting self as this Living Self-Composure, as this is REAL power as it is the expression of the power of Life through and as Me, as my being and my physical body equal and one, without any separation of the mind, just complete Self-Directiveness as common sense/what is best for all

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can see the effect of what I do and who I am in the consequences manifest in and around me as my image and likeness, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to misalign my power, my efforts and create effects and side-effects that are not best for all, until Here no further as I diligently walk this process of the journey to life, develop my vocabulary (as more words with the best definitions = more power), consistently expand myself and face my self as walking Self-Perfection as this is the most effective and efficient way to be TRULY effective as LIFE which means doing what is best for all Life in every moment. This is Living Power as Creating the Best Effect/Effects.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I was unable to effectively influence my environment in ways where I knew what was working and what wasn’t, and within this resorted to crying/emotions/temper tantrums to influence others and my environment to ‘get my way’, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as I had abdicated responsibility for my stable communication skills to effectively persuade and explain, that EVEN WHEN I had begun developing real communication skills, the starting point of the energy/memories trapped in my body have been one of ‘if this doesn’t go my way I will let emotion come through to try and manipulate the situation’, which is unacceptable and had degraded/undermined my power until Here no Further. Common Sense Self-Perfection = Power

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day 58 - Observations of Power (Part 1)

Self is POWERFUL. Yes I realize this but I have so much more to go to LIVE this every single day. 

Further work required to integrate/realize/LIVE this as Self. 

What does Living Power look like?

What degrades my power/sense of power/realization of power?

What are my systems I'm living/creating that create/support power?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe, and to not realize/see/understand that self IS powerful, it is the ‘following of thoughts’ that disempowers

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that a thought has the power, and thus I give my power (which is MINE/ME) ‘away’ to my thoughts as a cascade and a chain reaction leading me further and further ‘away from me’ into separation, thus dividing myself up into pieces and resulting in my powerful self completely separated and divided up, only a tiny fraction as strong as I can be as SELF fully Integrated and in alignment with and as what is BEST for ALL which is Best for Self

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to from the initial thought/reaction within myself, not realize I have the power of breath to stabilize myself Here and direct myself no matter what happens with my mind, and this is the training of my power and the Living of the word Power

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that FORGIVENESS is POWER, as forgiveness is ME giving (being for giving) myself back from the scattering, the dismembering and the disembodying patterns/habits/personalities/characters that I had accepted and allowed as the mind from the beginning of my life until Here, and the forgiveness is me as SELF, HERE taking that 100% responsibility for and as the pattern thus establishing power, releasing the energy of the mind/ego separation and creating space for the opening up in the flesh for the common sense commitments that I thus correct myself as through my writing and then the living of the commit to myself to as I walk every day as Power

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that writing and scripting myself is power, as this is the directive will of Self through and as the flesh, re-writing as the responsible starting point of Self as Principle of Self-Perfection and what is best for all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see and understand that living the realizations and the corrections/commitments is power, as this is alignment of mind/thoughts/words/deeds and my body, equal and one within and without as Self and the World/Universe, where I make the commitment internally, and externally this is Lived as Self as the Flesh, thus the power of self-change is Here, apparent and able to be built upon as I take responsibility for and as EVERYTHING in existence to direct everything to what is best for all Life to the best of my ability thus the power of Life is Here equal to and one with and as me as I continually walk this process and journey to Life

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Day 57 - Observing the Bipolar Nature of Energy

BIPOLAR (meaning the two poles of energy, positive and negative, and believing that is "who I am")

I remember as a kid being sad and I didn’t know why

I remember feeling sometimes really happy and other times super sad… from this I established the bipolar nature within myself and accepted and allowed it, thus perpetuating this acceptance and allowance in the world, not yet fully sorting it out within myself where I ACT and DO what is best no matter what

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to use the phrasing ‘I am sad and I don’t know why’ as a child, and to not actually hear/see/realize/understand what I was saying, that I didn’t KNOW “why”, I didn’t UNDERSTAND, I didn’t have the words to express my emotion/energy within where I could actually ‘get it out’ and ‘express it’ and then use that information/energy to connect with others and CREATE self into a supportive being that is supported and thus able to support others, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to accept and allow the automation of sadness then confusion then shame then suppression/repression/denial/depression, all from the one phrase ‘I am sad and I don’t know why’

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that I can slow down and stop thoughts in any moment with breathing and self-corrective application, where no thoughts/characters need to be charged up/automated/streamlined any more, and I realize this will take time yet I also realize I am making very good progress at just being Here, no thinking needed, just doing what is best.

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to from the beginning to now, not see/realize/understand that emotion is energy in motion, and this had become trapped in my body, as the words to express and release the energy from within were not part of me and properly structured/stored, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child, this just wasn’t possible at the time to have the understanding that vocabulary and words, properly placed in/as the flesh of my body, can allow for the flow of energy to thus release the energy effectively, which I now see/realize/understand so within and as this realization I commit myself to the direct-principled Living of Words and Directing of Energy to What is BEST for all, so that we can be Here as the Physical giving Life equally to all

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in enjoyment and pity of getting pity and attention from others from my sadness, thus using sadness/emotion/grief as a construct/energy/physical expression to get something that I believed I was separate from, until Here No Further. I stand equal to and one with and as all of my emotion, all of my energy, all of my mind and characters, where now I Live the Physical Correction through walking as What is BEST for all, beyond the ups/downs of emotion believing that is who I am, into and as the Physical, as Seeing/Directing/Expressing Self as I would like to receive, where all can have the BEST and thus happiness become the base state of the human which I am learning how to do every day more and more

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my sadness as a child stemmed from feeling separate from others, that I am all ‘alone’ as my mind, failing to see/realize/understand the common sense that is oneness and equality, where we are Here as each other, supporting each other and able to create systems together to ensure that basic needs are met, where thus the following outflow consequence is feeling better, using energy for what is best, and supporting all others to have this equal and one understanding that words can be Lived and thus a Living Expression of Life Itself where ALL Life is considered and realized, this is the gift in my memories of bipolar

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the bipolar ups/downs as energy is not what is best for all, and now in real time I can see/realize/understand that doing what is BEST is what is BEST, and this will feel the best, I will think the best, I will act the best, as I continuously walk my mind into the physical, one point at a time, through the emotional ups/downs as they are dismantled and thus reintegrated into and as what is best for all through my directive will, one breath one moment at a time

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to fear myself and these emotions/energies within me, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from myself as the emotions/energy/low points and also the ‘high points’ because some force that was ‘greater than me’ (which I really just did not understand emotions), until Here no Further as I realize the energy is me yet the PHYSICAL is me as well, where all of Life in and as equality and oneness is me as Self as Creator, Created and Creation, thus my SELF DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLE is ME and as I create and walk as creation, the energy/emotions/feelings are all in alignment and an expression of what is best for all Life as I define all words as what is best for all Life and I live all words as the World as the Best World/Words possible, Optimal for all equal and one in each and every breath this decision is mine, Here, Now and forevermore

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad for myself that I had wasted time/energy/attention and actually automated unconscious behavior patterns around bipolar, avoiding the sadness/judging the sadness, chasing/judging the happiness/high, meanwhile the entire time I had lived just in the little bubble of my mind, which I am now seeing beyond every day more and more within and as self-honesty practicing what is best for all in patience and urgency simultaneously I know what I need to do I walk as self-trust and Here and Forevermore I am dedicated to and committed to the Living Realization of Life as What is Best for All Life, Equal and One, Here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to forget and thus not act on/internalize the realization that facing problems/issues/activities head on, even if they feel bad/negative, ends up ALWAYS being best because I am strengthening my directive will to face things straight on and do what is best, so over time, I accumulate more and more responsibility and WHO I AM can be trusted as Life to do what is best for all Life, not just best for me/my feelings/emotions, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I have actually begun changing fear/anxiety/worry to what is best for all through my daily walking process, expressing myself and directing myself more and more every day


When and as I notice myself participating in the poles of energy, I stop and I breathe

When and as I see myself avoiding feeling something I stop and I breathe

I realize that I can direct all energy to what is best for all

I realize that energy/emotion is temporary and fleeting, the physical is what remains thus the physical is what matters (literally)

I realize there are gifts in my past memories and through self forgiveness I gift these gifts to myself, such as this realization that Words and Support that I am Living and continually unfolding AS, this is the solution to support people here and now, and future generations to walk the mind to the physical in equality and oneness

I realize that using TechnoTutor is essential to effectively opening up the ability to use words and ‘get out’ the emotions/energy that has been stuck and stagnant within my body

I realize that daily writing self-forgiveness is essential to effectively writing out and getting ‘out’ what is on the inside, through structured and effective writing/forgiveness/correction so that who I am is a living example of what is best and thus able to support others to walk through emotion/energy into/as the Physical 

Thus I commit myself to share DIP, I commit myself to share TT, to support others through my content, our groups, my consistent application, and to be open to new ways of expressing the best for all Support. 100% teachable, unafraid of any emotion/worry/concern, rather just breath by breath walking as what is best for all within and as Common Sense

I commit myself to embrace the hardships, the things I ‘don’t feel like doing’, and to walk through them breath by breath realizing/seeing/understanding I am gifting to myself new abilities and awareness and expansive power

I commit myself to investigate the best ways to make money to ensure basic needs are met to thus supplement and add new nutrition to my diet so that things like amino acid therapy can be known, realized, understood and integrated into process for all

I commit myself to be patient with myself, as I see/realize/understand my desire for MORENESS/happiness/excitement is not bad nor good, yet who I am within it is what matters

I commit myself to leverage any/all emotion to what is best, as my starting point is oneness and equality, principles and self-honesty, which I am committed to walking every day until the entire world sees/realizes/understands that this is 100% possible to walk as Life for Life doing what is best for all Life