I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not completely word-effectively the self-forgiveness required to trap and eliminate all of these patterns of ‘willingness to go to emotion’ believing that the ‘emotion is the real power’, failing to see/realize/understand the limitation of the emotion and the embedded/embodied/crystallized patterns of the emotion, until Here no Further as I walk the correction as LIVING PRINCIPLE, welcoming the tests as for what is BEST, where we walk together the correction as REAL POWER, which is the Physical, which is Common Sense and the ability to remain stable, effective, powerful and Here, breath by breath, BEING HERE
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that the tests are where real power comes from in ways that I can clearly see it physically, as at one point in the past, I could not ‘successfully’ complete the test in the best way, where NOW I am practicing and developing myself to successfully complete the tests in the best way, as this is real power as coordinated effort, common sense and AS the starting point of the Life, the Physical, Here, doing what is BEST for all Life Here.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not competently understand exactly what Living Power looks like for and as myself and the world, where real power is actually coordinated effort and the starting point of equality, connectedness and support, giving as we would like to receive
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my schedule, my day to day living where I am flowing through activities and expanding myself, going beyond my comfort zone, living common sense, having fun from the starting point of expansion and living, that this is what is best as Living Power as the Physical as Practical Common Sense
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in the details of my day, THIS is where I can see Living Power, such as ‘do I go into my mind’, am I absent minded, am I doing pointless activities that could be improved upon, then IN THESE MOMENTS, to physically walk the correction and understand/gather the gifts to immediately correct self as this is the best time to walk the correction Here and Now to thus change and live and amass power as Self, GIVING self power
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that being like water through the day while living the principles is Power embodied, as my calendar is the basic structure of the flow of the water, then as Life I flow, through and as the structure, able to be what is best in any situation, not too rigid, just powerful, effective, adaptive and equalizing all as a force of nature, supporting all as a force of nature
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that me second-guessing myself and participating in the character/personality of self-sabotage is what degrades my power, as this is self separating self from self, thus the forgiveness: I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself from the beginning to now, accept and allow separation within and without as energy from the physical, in ways that are not common sense and best for all, where the only acceptable and allowable relationship of matter/physical to energy/mind, is that which is calibrated to what is best for all which is KNOWN and UNDERSTOOD as Living the Principles, verifiable and stable, consistent, Living the Self-Forgiveness and the Self-Correction necessary to Live the Self-Commitments as the Power OF the Physical, For the Physical, as the Physical, as what is best for all (the physical)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that money is power, in reality money is attracted to and flows through powerful systems where value is created and the systems are manipulated in ways that money is amplified and increased in amount, thus the focus on money is an illusion that saps power away from Self, rather the focus on doing what is best is what matters as this is real Power, as what is best is developing communication abilities, providing/connecting products and services with the right people, this is real power through connection, coordination, correction and commitment of Self to What is Best for All, HERE, and processing all the necessary information, putting the pieces/people together through communication and the diligent, persistent effort required to coordinate, maintain and then effectively expand these systems so more power is able to be held, generated and points then plugged into the system, where then money is a result of the system, as the real value is people coming together being exposed to what is best, being supported to live and walk as what is best and thus share this with others, thus expanding Heaven on Earth as walking the process in the best effective and sustainable way within the context of the current world system within the greater context of what is best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize/see/understand the power that is the Desteni I Process, of walking process diligently through and as DIP Pro, where I am opening up these characters that had been integrated into my flesh, and point by point working through these characters, the fear character, the desire character, the judge character, where in each of these points, point by point I dismantle the energy, the construct and then correct the physical as the words that are here, written, spoken and then LIVED as SELF in the WORLD, thus I am forgiving myself for accepting and allowing myself to avoid and shirk the responsibility that is the power of being Self in and as this System, yet it’s Here now as this writing and as this Living, as fear, desire and judgment are all re-defined as what is best for all Life, as these characters had been integrated in self as self/parts of self, yet the correction is walked daily as I define and Live Self-Power completely Here, the only character remaining as the Physical as what is best for all Life
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to fear power, failing to realize that it is BEST to understand power and define power in the best way for self within this context of what is best for all, where POWER = Coordinated effort, Principle and Process
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to desire power from the starting point of self-interest only, until Here no Further, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that my desire of power is NOW within the context of what is best for all Life and I walk this Living Proof as this is the Principles which are my starting point and I direct myself in every moment as these Living Principles and Living Words
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the common sense that the only real power is the Principles of what is best for all Life, as anything else results in sure death as self-interest/ego and isolation with nothing but regret in the final moments as self had missed the point of being Here in equality and oneness
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I had judged power as bad, that the image of power I had accepted and allowed was the image of someone who is ‘above’ the system, the law, and these people are evil/bad, failing to realize that WE ARE ALL THE SAME THING, we are all this physical reality, it is US that is evil, that is believing we are ‘above the law’ and superior/inferior to others, thus proving our lack of real power as the Physical as the same power that has created all of existence, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the redefinition of power is a process of walking the gifts of this reality, everything from the ‘good’ to the ‘bad’, to the gifts of the judgments of those I had perceived as powerful, where the new definition of Power as what is best for all comes as the observations of self as Power, of Power as and for what is best for all, and as the world/others observing me and the others walking this process, together as Life, as real focused, stable, effective, common sensical power, and thus the REAL power of Life, where the only valid judgment is whether one is doing what is best for all Life or not, and as this we walk as Living Power
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid the responsibility of being the judge/authority/power AS LIFE FOR LIFE, where I can determine/decide what is best for all Life, within and as common sense reasoning, understanding and factoring in consequence, second, third, fourth, fifth and beyond-consequence, where the principle of what is best for all and the other Principles of Desteni are walked as what is BEST and anything that is seen as degrading and not honoring the principles is able to be judged and corrected, not from a moralistic starting point… no. From the starting point AS LIFE, FOR LIFE, this is the power that I as Life have…..