When and as I notice myself degrading the living power that I am, I stop and I breathe
I realize that Self-Correction is Powerful
I realize that as I walk this journey to Life I am amassing more power AS Life, for Life
I realize that self-interest is the opposite of power, even though there is an illusion of the ‘power of free choice’ in reality this is disempowering, as I am one and equal with all, thus anything that is NOT best for all (just self-interested) is actually missing the point of the equality and oneness that is being birthed from the physical as Self as REAL Living Power
I realize that if I am not HERE I have no Power
I realize that emotions/feelings/energy/moods degrade power, and to Live the Correction means to immediately take and act as Living Power and Forgive/Live the Correction and Welcome the future tests as I am Here as Life walking this journey to and as Life as what is best for all Life, this is WHO I AM
I realize that Power is coordinated systems and effort, and this results in more power being generated from harmony and focused work and labor as Life as Nature working together in harmony as the starting point of Life and what is best for all Life, thus I continually establish myself as Living Power and Correcting anything that is not empowering
I realize that through my schedule, the details of my Living, every single interaction, thought, word and deed, that EVERYTHING is all equal and one as Living Power, and the lowest weakest point is who I really am, as this is showing me my acceptance and allowance, thus I walk as humility realizing what I have accepted and allowed myself to become, yet simultaneously I walk as Life as what is best for all Life, as this is who I am and in every breath I prove this realization of Living Power
I realize I am able to influence, communication and talk/ask questions, and putting myself on the ‘front lines’ the ‘cutting edge’ even though uncomfortable and risky, is the best most powerful way for me to expand and grow my power as Life through my coordination and purification of Self as Self-Perfection
I commit myself to correct any misuse of power within myself, where I am powering the parasite of consciousness, and to implement self-forgiveness and sound the self-forgiveness, the correction, use TT as necessary and establish myself with practical common sense solutions Here and Now through what I do and what I plan to do and thus fulfill at the correct time and place according to my calendar which I honor and commit myself to agree to and Live this/flow like water as agreement as Life in and as Integrity as Life and Living Words
I commit myself to Live the words Common Sense Self-Power, where I utilize the Power of Life as Self, Walking the Corrections, Establishing and supporting the systems of corrections, and integrating feedback from the environment to thus correct and purify and perfect Self and the Systems so that All of Life is Honored, Realized and Dignified
I commit myself to show myself that anything my mind thinks is inconvenient, that within common sense if it is best to do, that I just fucking do it and build up the Self-Power and Self-Trust that results in what is best for all Life, as anything else will obviously create consequence and in unacceptable. Who am I really? Self-Power as Life, or ego bullshit?
I commit myself to breathe as Breath = Real Power, to walk as Life, the trillions of cells as me, where no thoughts no matter how ‘real’ they may appear, that NONE of them can direct me, just Self as Breath is Here as Self-Directive Principle, Living Power and Empowering all Life as Best as Possible in each and every breath
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