I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe from a young age that I am not worthy of power because I was/am small relative to others, physically and in stature, composure, effect and ability to influence, until Here no Further as I write this correction starting with the self-forgiveness
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to equate and define power to physical size, failing to realize/see/understand that real power is coordinated effort, like the ants, the bacteria, even the militias or the machinery throughout the ages, where individual size is only important in the context of what is required to be done, and as my starting point is HERE and CLEAR of doing what is BEST for all, in all times, every moment, my physical size is good enough, I am now fitting in and integrating with the others that are walking as what is best for all, as the REAL power comes from our coordination and combined efforts, consistency, support and commitment/corrections as we Live the Principles visibly
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that it’s even possible to be born and from a young age, develop ‘high stature’ for myself, rather I now see the common sense that this tendency of stature/respect/development/achievement is a character that is developed by parents and the environmental programming from a young age, where stature MUST be re-defined as what is BEST for all Life, as stature based in anything but what is best, is ‘missing the mark’, as the ONLY valid form of stature is within the context of what is best for all Life, anything else is a egotistical self-interested desire that is unworthy of Life as a definition thus must be redefined, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand and coordinate the points within me of the common sense realization that I am a man of stature, there are many achievements and points I have completed from my self-directive will that thus SHOW me the self-worthiness/self-stature/self-respect that I now choose to Live that I had been blind to
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize the power of maintaining composure, where from a young age I would utilize emotion and ‘breaking down’ as an attempt to manipulate my environment to ‘get my way’, failing to realize that REAL power is the ability to talk, explain, coordinate and direct situations effectively through persuasion, listening and communication, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the composure of real power, Self-Composure, breath in each moment directing self to what is best and supporting self as this Living Self-Composure, as this is REAL power as it is the expression of the power of Life through and as Me, as my being and my physical body equal and one, without any separation of the mind, just complete Self-Directiveness as common sense/what is best for all
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can see the effect of what I do and who I am in the consequences manifest in and around me as my image and likeness, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to misalign my power, my efforts and create effects and side-effects that are not best for all, until Here no further as I diligently walk this process of the journey to life, develop my vocabulary (as more words with the best definitions = more power), consistently expand myself and face my self as walking Self-Perfection as this is the most effective and efficient way to be TRULY effective as LIFE which means doing what is best for all Life in every moment. This is Living Power as Creating the Best Effect/Effects.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I was unable to effectively influence my environment in ways where I knew what was working and what wasn’t, and within this resorted to crying/emotions/temper tantrums to influence others and my environment to ‘get my way’, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as I had abdicated responsibility for my stable communication skills to effectively persuade and explain, that EVEN WHEN I had begun developing real communication skills, the starting point of the energy/memories trapped in my body have been one of ‘if this doesn’t go my way I will let emotion come through to try and manipulate the situation’, which is unacceptable and had degraded/undermined my power until Here no Further. Common Sense Self-Perfection = Power
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