This is a long one, and it is WORTH it to read aloud (starting at the Self-Forgiveness, through the end of the post), with sincerity and Self-Honest reflection.
I've been waking up anxious, as I am undergoing a transition from "income security" to the next level of my business, which involves uncertainty and no 'guaranteed' paycheck for the next few months. I wake up with a pit of nervousness in my stomach and chest, and my first thought is about money
Through my observation, and my journey to Life, up until now, there has been uncertainty to varying degrees, surrounding money, the future, and the consequences of my actions
As of recently, the starting point of my day has been anxiety, emotion, money, fear and uncertainty
I now commit myself to redirect myself and re-establish my starting point as Life, principles and real actual TRUST (which I will prove absolutely)
I can tell I have a negative and emotional attachment around money and not having money, and the many memories I have of not having 'enough' money
This is truly the best time to write out (right out) this self-forgiveness, to work through these points around money, to clarify and purify my starting point, as there is a lot of change happening and opportunity for genuine growth, expansion and new levels of responsibility
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel physical pain, stress and anxiety from money, and not having money coming in in various points in my life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not having more money, and the perceived and projected consequences of having 'insufficient' funds in my accounts or physically in my possession
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be anxious and stressed being in transition between work opportunities
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see that the money is not the real value here, the real value is Life and by creating Living Solutions for what is actually best I will prove to myself and to others that the money is secondary to creating the living solutions, and that is actually what is best
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to delay writing about money, thinking that it will just resolve itself, which is actually risking the time-loop of me having to face this later on in my life. NO MORE. Do it now. Face it now. Work through and RESOLVE it now
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that because I am writing about the money, and writing out this point, that I will be rewarded with money once I do enough self-forgiveness, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to get a reward for writing self-forgiveness, instead of realizing that the reward is me giving myself Life which is the ultimate reward, because it's me actually living by principle, which is actually what is best
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to emphasize profits over process
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that this self-forgiveness is actually for giving myself the realization that Life is the true value of Life, not money from the world-system
I forgive myself that I have equated my self-worth and my self-esteem to money coming in to my accounts and in to my possession, which that money is actually a mirage/fake delusion and at any time the money could and can disappear, leaving me without stability, because I hadn't established the certainty within in the first place
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being tested with my emotional stability, to really face the fears of money, risking being homeless, poor, impoverished and left to "my own vices"
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that I can sell, and nobody can "take that" from me, I can sell people "on" me, I can exchange value and 'barter', because I KNOW that indeed I have value and worth, through my consistency of showing up as Life, and the value I provide by just who I am and the work I've already done on myself, through process, and this in itself is inherently and intrinsically/extrinsically valuable, so I am going to be ok even if everything collapses
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in secret mind backchat, thoughts, feelings and emotions about not having enough money or resources to eat and fulfill my needs, which is actually me participating in self-interest only, because it's me prioritizing myself and my needs over the fact that there are billions of people in the world starving and less 'fortunate' than I am based on me being 'lucky' enough to be born into a middle-class American family where opportunity abounds
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse true observation of the money-system and my direct participation in it, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to devote myself to the world-system of money over Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel bad and guilty about my devotion to the world-system of money, rather than taking responsibility and directing myself moment by moment in ways that support all Life in all ways, always
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to build businesses and participate in businesses that are actively destroying the planet through pointless consumerism and instant gratification of fleeting energetic experiences that will not stand the test of Life and time, and in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sacrifice and compromise my principles, including what is best for all Life, my self-honesty, my physical body, and who I am for the sake of money and self-interest alone, in this I say NO MORE.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in a world-system of money that creates chaos, conflict, and suffering, poverty, rape, violence, abuse, atrocities, and this world-system of money is currently destroying our planet and Life, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to see, feel, know and really understand LIFE, and the destruction of Life that I am literally co-creating and participating in, willfully, until NOW, and every moment forward where I will continually direct myself and prove to myself and to others that I am indeed responsible and worthy of Life, standing as Life over money.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be blind and refuse to see the reality that Life in indeed the authority over money, and this must be walked by me as Life, where I am a living example of Life as authority, that others may see and walk this into physical reality as well
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that by my starting point (up until now) having honestly been money/energy, that that starting point would have led me to a certain cap of income and level of responsibility in the world-system, and absolutely would have led me to consequence, which is not best, and Life cannot afford to have had this, therefore within all of this I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to once and for all commit to stand as Life, regardless of the monetary outcome, and this is what I commit to.
I forgive myself that I haven't accepted and allowed myself to realize that my emotional stability and my stability in my principles is the necessary starting point, that is necessary to commit to, before any commitments to money
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that becoming rich is what is best for all Life, instead of just committing to what is best for all Life, then trusting that process, even if I end up broke, dead, homeless or whatever outcome may be, to thoroughly have committed myself to what is best for All Life, no matter what, therefore I now am aware that...
It is best to emphasize PROCESS over profits, to emphasize principles over profits, and to emphasize people and supporting people to walk process over profits, and to trust that whatever the 'right' amount of profits are, will come, because the true focus is on Process and Self-Perfection, living HERE as LIFE, and as this, the world-system will actually change, purify and become supportive and Life-giving.
So... when and as I notice myself focused on energy and money, feeling the emotions/feelings and thinking the thoughts, and living in ways that value/prioritize money over Life, I stop and breathe.
I realize that I can and I will direct myself to what is best.
I realize that consequence is real.
I realize that the best starting point is Process and Life, and any money/energy that comes as a consequence will now be guaranteed to be what is best for all Life, provided I continue walking in Self Honesty
I realize that this starting point will allow me (if it is actually best) to truly become wealthy.
I realize that I can in fact truly trust my Self Honesty, and those that I surround myself with, to continually walk process and support each other until the Equal Money System is in fact a reality.
Therefore, I commit myself to emphasize process over profits
I commit myself to emphasize principles, Life, and what is BEST, over profits
I commit myself to show myself and prove to myself that I am indeed trustworthy of Life, thoroughly, without a shadow of doubt, and that I can be trusted with the utmost level of responsibility, to direct myself (and others as needed) when any decision and any temptation and any situation arises to choose money or energy over Life, that as Life, I will do what is Best, and observe the outcome and prove that the outcome is indeed aligned with and co-creating what is best.
I commit myself to Life-giving solutions and systems to purify the world-system of money to the Equal Money system or something even better that we can't even yet imagine, that is truly, verifiably Life-giving.
I commit myself to be a living example of what is best for all Life, walking process thoroughly until what is best for all Life is firmly and permanently established on Earth and through the Universe (you know, cuz Bezos and Elon are working to colonize the Moon and Mars).
I commit myself to the starting point of what is Best, and this is the starting point in all of my businesses, endeavors, commitments, agreements, relationships and every action I take from now forward, and I commit myself to show myself that I am indeed trustworthy with Life, and I am open and teachable to any and every lesson necessary to actually prove this commitment (and the integrity of me and my commitments) in the real physical Universe.
I commit myself to show everyone the consequence of their starting point, and to assist and support everyone possible to re-establish their starting point in LIFE
I commit myself to purify all consequences, that Life may prevail and we establish Living-Solutions and Systems throughout the world that we all stand as Life in oneness and equality
Now, let's create some REAL VALUE. Whoever is ready, reach out and connect with me on Facebook
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