This time, about halfway around the lake my phone suddenly died.
So I used the walk to really just clear my mind, and started working through self-forgiveness statements in my mind.
I became aware of the abundance of thought manifestations within my conscious mind and subconscious narratives playing out.
So I went on a self-forgiveness rampage. Anything and everything that came up, I just went at it for a good 40 minutes.
I became aware of a trend of the conflicting views I've had of myself, my mission, my Life.
It was fascinating to 'see' the points as if they were in front of me. I found myself using my hands and really getting into it.
I also realized "SOUNDING" the Self-Forgiveness, not just saying it and rushing it, but literally from my body and my flesh, letting the words come through, living them and expressing each point articulately, really allowed me to understand the power of using Self-Forgiveness to neutralize the conflicts I've held within my mind-consciousness system.
After various sprints of rampaging Self-Forgiveness, I would sound the self-awareness and self-commitment statements as well, which I noticed more conflict.
I am still developing self-trust that I can make a commitment statement and prove to myself it will be true.
This is a point to be continued in my process, and I know as I continue 'clearing' the conflict and the conscious/subconscious/unconscious, I will get clear in my self-honesty and my self-perfection process through the entire Self-Corrective Application, so in this.....
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to sound self-forgiveness authentically, as me, truly letting go and forgiving myself of my acceptances and allowances, and honestly, thoroughly correcting myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to live the understanding that 'the slow way is the short way'
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accumulate conflicting points within me, desiring to rush and 'instantly' grow, yet judging myself for knowing that patience is required, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the polarities in my mind that make up my mind-consciousness system, to once and for all work through these points so I may be Here, living as Life, as a Living Example for myself and for all Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the benefit of the Self-Forgiveness rampage, in working through the points of my mind-consciousness system effectively, in this I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to fully trust myself in my process of working through these points and trusting myself to do it effectively, until now
When and as I notice myself experiencing conflict with and as my process of walking Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application, I stop and I breathe
It was fascinating to 'see' the points as if they were in front of me. I found myself using my hands and really getting into it.
I also realized "SOUNDING" the Self-Forgiveness, not just saying it and rushing it, but literally from my body and my flesh, letting the words come through, living them and expressing each point articulately, really allowed me to understand the power of using Self-Forgiveness to neutralize the conflicts I've held within my mind-consciousness system.
After various sprints of rampaging Self-Forgiveness, I would sound the self-awareness and self-commitment statements as well, which I noticed more conflict.
I am still developing self-trust that I can make a commitment statement and prove to myself it will be true.
This is a point to be continued in my process, and I know as I continue 'clearing' the conflict and the conscious/subconscious/unconscious, I will get clear in my self-honesty and my self-perfection process through the entire Self-Corrective Application, so in this.....
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to sound self-forgiveness authentically, as me, truly letting go and forgiving myself of my acceptances and allowances, and honestly, thoroughly correcting myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to live the understanding that 'the slow way is the short way'
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accumulate conflicting points within me, desiring to rush and 'instantly' grow, yet judging myself for knowing that patience is required, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the polarities in my mind that make up my mind-consciousness system, to once and for all work through these points so I may be Here, living as Life, as a Living Example for myself and for all Life.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the benefit of the Self-Forgiveness rampage, in working through the points of my mind-consciousness system effectively, in this I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to fully trust myself in my process of working through these points and trusting myself to do it effectively, until now
When and as I notice myself experiencing conflict with and as my process of walking Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application, I stop and I breathe
I realize that breath by breath, 1+1, I am establishing myself Here in the Physical as Life, and my Self Honesty IS emerging, and will continue to emerge, breath by breath
I realize that the mind is constructed on polarities and conflict/friction, so as I develop Self-Awareness, I will have even more realization of these polarities until they are thoroughly walked out into the physical and my mind becomes merely a tool of Life, nothing more and nothing less.
I realize that I am literally writing and sounding myself to freedom, and I must do this for my Self first. In honoring my self and respecting my self, doing the hard work on my self, I will stand as a living example for others and I will be able to actually support others, as I have walked the process further along.
I realize that it is all of us or none of us that must be Life, and I realize there is more digging and investigating necessary to understand much of the Desteni principles
I commit myself to work through every single facet of my mind consciousness system, however long it takes
I commit myself to perfect myself and create as Life
I realize that the mind is constructed on polarities and conflict/friction, so as I develop Self-Awareness, I will have even more realization of these polarities until they are thoroughly walked out into the physical and my mind becomes merely a tool of Life, nothing more and nothing less.
I realize that I am literally writing and sounding myself to freedom, and I must do this for my Self first. In honoring my self and respecting my self, doing the hard work on my self, I will stand as a living example for others and I will be able to actually support others, as I have walked the process further along.
I realize that it is all of us or none of us that must be Life, and I realize there is more digging and investigating necessary to understand much of the Desteni principles
I commit myself to work through every single facet of my mind consciousness system, however long it takes
I commit myself to perfect myself and create as Life
I commit myself to sounding authentic Self-Forgiveness, for ME, for my journey to Life, and if this benefits others, then OK, but even if it doesn't directly benefit them, it doesn't really matter, as it really is Self First, then in my Self-Honesty I will know when I can then support others, for now there is a long ways to go
I commit myself to prove to myself that all of my commitment statements are legitimate and honest and coming true, because I will prove to myself that I daily walk this process, breath by breath, as a Living Example of Life
I commit myself to do what is best for all Life, even if it's ugly, painful, cringey, uncomfortable. Whatever it takes, to understand what is best, and then Live what is best, for Self and for all Life.
Whoever is reading this, I dare you to begin the Self-Forgiveness rampage, just go at it, and SOUND it from your body, not just your head/mind.
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