Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Day 50 - Observations of Who I am with Food

 I recently did a 3 day juice fast and I am currently not drinking coffee for 21 days.

This is a big shift from eating 3 meals a day drinking coffee a few times throughout the day.

I have learned a lot about my self and my desires through observation, breathing, being Here, then going into the mind, getting side tracked, then coming back in unconditional Self-Forgiveness and Self-Will.

Here's self-forgiveness that has supported me to realize how my relationship with food has been abused, and the correction to it where food is actually supportive because it IS a basic human need. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abuse food throughout my life, and to abuse coffee throughout my life to the point that going off of it for a few days is extremely disturbing to myself and messes with my ability to even be present and equal and one with reality

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize real body awareness through every moment and every breath, where whether I have food or coffee or no food or coffee, I am Here as Breath practically directing myself to what is best for all, within Unconditional Self-Forgiveness so even if I am f***ed up from a fast, and feeling all types of ways, Who I AM still remains one and equal, directing self through Self-Will to what is best for all Life

I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the 3 day fast was plenty and I can do this again and build up from there, effectively supporting my body and being with nutrition in various ways, thus cross-referencing myself in the physical to understand who I am and how I am changing and supporting myself to always and in all ways do what is best regardless of food and the desires of food

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to desire food from the starting point of self-interest alone

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize the true starting point with food is support for self and for all as self where We are nurtured and fed with the basic needs.

When and as I notice myself desiring food from the starting point of self-interest I stop and I breathe

When and as I notice myself being affected on a physical level from my desire for food I stop and I breathe

I realize that food is physical, and the relationship with food supporting my body IS a human need thus is to be honored and supported for myself, yet ALSO to be honored and supported for all as Self


I commit myself to show myself and the world that I stand for feeding and nurturing all as self through my living and my expression, so that all needs are met

I commit myself to show myself that the food I eat is sustenance supporting myself as equal and one as all of Life, thus the energy of desire is irrelevant, rather the true act of body craving food, preparing food, satisfying/satiating my body, and then utilizing that food and metabolizing the food to support what is best for all Life, that THIS is the most effective relationship with food where no desire energy need exist, rather just breath and support for self and thus TRUE enjoyment of food finally once and for all in and as Self-Honest Eating

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