Serendipity is abused as a word and misunderstood.
Real Serendipity is consistently acting in accordance with what is best for all, thus the serendipity is real and just real-time feedback, instead of some self-interested abdication of responsibility, believing there is some higher power and that one can just sit on their ass all day and not do anything, just 'wait for a sign' or 'trust God has it covered'.
News Flash - God is YOU and EVERYTHING Here as LIFE, thus YOU are responsible. Stop thinking there is a higher power outside yourself greater than you.
Realize you HAVE the power to command serendipity, what is BEST for all, and thus over time, the feedback will show you that you are indeed acting in accordance with what is best. Join the others underway in this process.
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that I have used serendipity as a crutch, claiming that God’s will be done, seeing God as some being greater than me outside myself, failing to see/realize/understand the Living Truth that Life is ME is GOD, thus as I act in accordance with what is best for ALL, thus I am God Living my Will as Self-Will and the Timing of all actions will be in agreement with what is best because I direct myself to what is best, and I have accumulated consequence both of what is not best AND what is best, thus as I continue walking my journey to Life, WHO I AM as LIFE as BEST FOR ALL LIFE emerges and is evidenced in the physical universe in and as my image and likeness
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize ‘this or even better’ the process of moving up the gridlines/world-system and effecting global change for what is best for all, every step of the way is dependent on MY MOVEMENT, thus I move and I realize that ‘this or even better’ is what is HERE and what is to come because my DIRECTIVE WILL through my MOVEMENT is what makes it so
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to see/realize/understand my track record and the common sense obviousness that who I am IS Life and I am Destined for what is best for all provided I continually move myself and walk my process, thus one step at a time actively commanding serendipity as who I am in and as Space Time in and as as Life Here
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not see/realize/understand the significance and the gifts in the realization of the various factors at play, from the timing of business success and failures, to the timing of relationships unfolding, to being Here now, where whatever the past is, NOW I am HERE Living in Agreement and Principle thus the reality of our world is influenced and shaped by the Living Vocabulary Agreement that is myself walking my process daily, and therefore the timing IS serendipitous by the definition that things are happening and we are directing the outflow of events to what is best for all, and within all this I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize that the best redefinition of Serendipity = What is Best for All Life Forevermore
I forgive myself for not accepting and allowing myself to realize on all Levels I am at cause and the effect of who I am is what is best for all Life. I trust myself to live this breath by breath
Thus when and as I notice myself believing in some higher power, outside myself I stop and I breathe
I realize Life IS the ‘Higher Power’ which is actually just Power of Life equal and one
I realize that Serendipity = What is Best for all Life, thus the timing and flow of events will continually be supportive of what is best for all Life, simple mathematics, 1+1, best for all equals what is best for all. IT JUST TAKES TIME + LIVING THE PRINCIPLES TO MANIFEST
I realize there is no higher power, it is EQUAL POWER, thus Self Living as Common Sense IS the LIFE POWER
I realize that situations in my past and my past actions have all been consequential and now my current result and awareness is the realization of purification of consequence and the establishment/causation of ONLY best consequences forevermore
Thus I commit myself to command serendipity as Who I AM as Equal Power as Life for What is Best for ALL Life
I commit myself to show myself that every action I do now has consequence and I commit myself to direct all actions and consequences to what is best for all Life
I commit myself to honoring my agreements with myself and with others as What is Best for all Life
I commit myself to trust the process of timing and the flow of the universe as Me as Self equal to and one with all Life
I commit myself to understand Life fully I commit myself to show others what real serendipity is, to stop the self-interest and the abdication of responsibility claiming that somehow God's Will is different than one's directive will. Now is the perfect time to wake up and realize Equal Power as Self, Here.
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