Monday, November 2, 2020

Day 62 - Judging Time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe things should be happening in a certain timeline thus trapping myself in energetic points, placing myself out of equality and oneness

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to as a child want to get my mom to buy me a toy at target with urgency, I wanted to open the toy, get the toy and play with the toy immediately. I was obsessed with the toy aisle 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to throw common sense out the window, and go into a possession of craving the object, the toy and ultimately programming myself/accepting allowing programming of self-interest ‘get the toy at all costs NOW’

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that crying was a valid response for NOT getting the toy in the moment, and being willing to resort to cry, yell, scream, anything/everything necessary with emotional manipulation to get the toy from the store

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I had begun establishing my morality personality from the fucked up starting point, of being a ‘good boy’ in order to get the toys, and also to ‘not be a bad boy’ by noticing the rules like ‘don’t steal the toy’ and ‘listen to mom’, failing to apply this morality within common sense, it was ONLY self-interest and it was selective, instead of focusing on breath, what is best, and then from that point communicate with mom about the toy and playing with the toy

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge mom for not knowing exactly what I wanted as the toy, when I was the one who wasn’t clearly communicating

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge the situation as something that I had no directive control over, thus I resorted to energy and emotional manipulation, instead of breathing and looking for other ways to ‘get my way’ in a way that didn’t cause harm to others (which me emotionally manipulating mom, was actually me harming me, and all of the consequences of myself accepting/allowing the personality programming of self-interest and judging anything that wasn’t fulfilling my self-interested desire(s)

I forgive myself that I hadn’t accepted and allowed myself to realize and see and understand that my judgment of the situation was taking it personally. In reality, nothing is personal, it is all equal and one to what we accept and allow, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that in equality and oneness, there is no judgment, just what is Here, nothing personal, yet AS this starting point HERE, I decide what is best for all, thus no judgment needed whatsoever, rather deciding what is best, so if there is a redefinition of judgment, it is a simple decision of what is best for all. 

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge the timeline of events, and to spend myself in judgment of timelines and events, failing to see/realize/understand Self-Honesty indicates that Now is all we have, and in every breath I can choose to expand Here as Life, as this is the real timeline, breath by breath expansion as/of Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that judgments have emotion/something taken personal in them, when reality shows that we are one and equal as all, thus what is best and within/as common sense is operating as and for what is best, so regardless of the timelines and how fast things are happening relative to one another, such as world events, and the pace of my business growth, myself as starting point in oneness and equality is PRINCIPLE

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the whole in judgment, until Here no Further

When and as I notice myself participating in separating myself as judgment I stop and I breathe

I realize self is being spent on judgment, and the inverse of this is being Here in practicality, Expanding one and equal with and as all

I realize that I am the creator, the created and the creation, thus I am 100% responsible as and for everything that is Here, all the good, all the evil, and I decide what is BEST from Here

I realize I had been standing in the position of victim, seeing myself as separate and unable to effect change, until NOW I am one and equal with and as all as I walk this process as the Journey to Life in Self-Honesty

I commit myself to live as expansion as Life, here in equality and oneness for and as what is best for all Life, stopping any and all thoughts, committed to living by principle and breath

I commit myself to breath by breath do what makes sense as practical living solutions thus no focus on timing as separate from me is needed, rather time IS me as the breath, thoughts ARE me as what I’ve accepted and allowed, Forgiveness and correction IS me as the breath

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