I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to want to hurry up and have the work be over, instead of realizing and LIVING The common sense as my body as Here, doing fully as my utmost potential the workout as the way I do anything is the way I do everything, thus to completion and perfection as what is BEST for all no matter the timing, within the context of the world-system yet Self-Trust as the purification process of the world-system as what is best for all as the Living System Here
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe it is not possible to not hurry up, failing to realize that I am going at the best speed and I write effectively and efficiently and resiliently as I walk as self-trust
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself and react to my calendar believing that I am somehow supposed to be this iGod/ego “superpower” as the mind, when in fact the mind is extremely limited, who I am as the PHYSCIAL as the BREATH and the pace of the physical is what is best
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the pace of the physical is Here as the Breath and thus today I practice this as the order to the chaos
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in rushing through an activity instead of realizing the REAL BEST BENEFIT is actually slowing down, going in reverse of the energy rush, standing Here as Order as the Physical Living System, as AS the order and the Living Agreement as Living Words as myself, and my inner circle relationships, a new Chaos as Life Itself is birthed, this time more powerful in every way that the world system as the world-system is extremely limited as energy, instead of the resonance of the Living Words and the Living System, Expansion Here as Self
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that I can pause and notice my thoughts/energy/reacitons/emotions/backchat to show me exactly what still needs to be purified, such as “I want to keep going” failing to see/realize/understand the benefit of being Here as the Physical Purification, and also the common sense that if I were to rush, this is keeping the system in place as the system is extensive and robust and as the Living System I must purify this by my equality and oneness with and as the current world system that I am walking daily to the highest levels of responsibility and building my self trust every day through the little things like writing and scripting the words for and as what is best for all Life, giving 100% in all that I do, and realizing that as I am now able to remain Here, operate from Here and trust myself where even if the schedule changes, I WILL BE OK and I CAN BE FLEXIBLE and today I prove this to myself as this practice of self-trust building, putting in some reasonable deadlines that make sense and that way I can practice the integration of the Living System of who I am with the world-system, as breath by breath I walk the purification.
I forgive myself that I Have accepted and allowed myself to want to rush and keep going, believing “MORE MORE MORE” is better , within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I thought running and getting sugar and filling myself up with energy was best because it felt good, in that moment completely abdicating my responsibility and having no real role models, UNTIL HERE NO FURTHER, WE ARE THE ROLE MODELS, thank you Bernard and the other self-leaders, now I am the living example that makes this go viral and exposes how one can truly Live as what is best for all, Here as the breath, no rushing needed
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react to the idea of ‘not finishing the thing’ in the required amount of time, thus creating and perpetuating the character of rushing/fear/anxiety, until HERE NO FURTHER
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize that as a child I was not effectively supported to understand the world, how systems work, why we must rush as times due to situations and context and common sense, yet the STARTING point is what matters, thus I commit myself to walk the correction as Self-Trust with my family and kids and to live as the example of how to move at the pace of the Living System, walking as the Physical so that all families and children will know the truth of Life and what is best for all, Living the Principles and ensuring we live the principles to the best of our ability
Thus when and as I notice myself wanting to rush, I stop and I breathe
I realize the pace of the mind is rushing and looking for more, at least currently where my mind is
I realize that I must practice and train to walk and keep breathing as the physical, doing what is ACTUALLY best instead of rushing, yet being ok with the rushing as the mind as walking the purification process as I am the Life Authority
I realize that the anxiety/rushing personality/character within me had been circulating energy for my mind-consciousness system yet Here as Life Authority I rewrite myself as Living Words thus I Purify myself as Walking the Correction of Pacing Myself as Life as the Physical in Every Breath, Living Order and Living Chaos as the Living System as Living Principles
I commit myself to breathe, be bold, be clear and author my days, weeks, months and entire Life that my legacy of and as Living Words outlives my human physical body in the best way that all future generations may know what is best for all Life and physically visibly Live the Principles
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