I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to participate in the character of rushing/energy where my mind attempts to get a ‘leg up’ on the situation and just ‘hurry up and finish’ which is based in the self-interest of the mind, which uses anything it can to feed itself more energy, thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand how I operate as SELF HONESTY and thus USE my mind as the tool that it is to calibrate myself, my body and my character to and as what is BEST for all which includes putting myself in these situations WILLINGLY where I face my reactions and my mind, to thus purify myself and support myself to ‘get out’ these characters and personalities, specifically the character of rushing based in self-interest
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to believe that my character of self-interest is actually helpful in any way whatsoever, as it is NOT, if I operate from it.. it is only an indicator of the world-system as it currently exist, thus I can walk with it and as it and purify it as my dedication to building the projects I am working on, as walking the world system of speed/self-interest, money from the principle of doing what is BEST with the money and in the situations, where yes there will be more situations that come up where I will be tested and must discern what is best to do and best to focus on, and to catch myself if I operate from self-interest, yet as Life and Breath, I walk in Self-Trust as who I am is literally walking the cutting edge and this is real time as breath, I trust myself to express myself and speak up if necessary to actually do what is best, thus no more energy parasite taking over my body bitching and complaining to get energy, just steady self-perfection in EVERY breath
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not realize the best definition of time, where time is the breath and the cycles of nature as the real starting point, and as I walk AS the physical, we purify the mind-consciousness-system as Living Self-Forgiveness and Self-Perfection, and as we walk the mind-consciousness system, new cycles of the world-system emerge as the world-system IS based off the physical, thus our home and what we accept and allow HERE is interconnected with the world system, thus I walk as Diligence and Effectiveness and Principle in all that I do as we build our home and community and the New World in Order/Heaven on Earth that is already Here as seeds that require nurturance, focus, breath and Life-giving activity which I trust myself to do and complete to the best of my ability
When and as I notice myself participating in the energy of rushing, I stop and I breathe
I realize that words and personalities and the physical mind is integrated into my flesh through words/images/sounds, and thus I must walk diligently for 7+ years AS the physical, sounding and rescripting myself as Self-Forgiveness, using TechnoTutor to re-program the words in the flesh and purify/process words, and thus establish myself as Living Example for others through my blogging, vlogging, podcasting, social media and who I am PHYSICALLY in my environment and community through building the Living System of our home and community, state, country and this world
I realize that I have participated in thoughts that now give me access to the inter-dimensional quantum mind consciousness system within me, where these thoughts are fragments and actually gifts for me as my starting point is Life and Principle, thus these thoughts and reactions I experience are gifts that are actually Life-giving as my Starting Point is Life-giving
I realize that I must investigate and identify the weaknesses within my day where ever I find myself compromising Who I Am as Life, and to thus calibrate myself in the breath in the moment to what is best for all through Unconditional Living Self-Forgiveness and Living the Correction, taking any backchat/mind/personalities into the process of Self processing EVERYTHING for and as what is best for all to the best of my ability
I realize that when I say "the best of my ability" this literally means being willing to do whatever (within common sense reasoning) which includes the possibilities of rising to positions of power, fame, life longevity, travel, and whatever other experiences that are necessary, as any limitation is unacceptable, thus I live the Self-Realization Here as Life as Expansion
I realize that the real pace of Life is the physical, which I access as the breath, and this is the New World in Order/Heaven on Earth through me choosing to do what is best in every moment AS the physical walking my journey to Life so that all others may see me living the example living the principles as who I am
I commit myself to walk forward diligently, effectively and at the best speed within and as Self-Honesty and the Principles
I commit myself to when and as a thought comes up that indicates a personality of mine, to place words to it and apply self-forgiveness in the moment, and to also apply Living Self-Trust where I can place the words into my phone as a reminder for future self-forgiveness writing if necessary which I will discern in the moment in self-honesty and self-trust and self-responsibility
I commit myself to be willing to go as deep as necessary in self-forgiveness until the point is removed and then the correction is clear and the correction is walked, there is literally no benefit to doing self-forgiveness half-assed, as that is detrimental and allows for the mind to 'security update' itself, thus WALK THE POINT AND PURIFY/PERFECT IT through real physical writing/sounding, living the principles and walking the correction in real space-time reality.
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