Monday, September 7, 2020

Day 53 - Self-Honesty in Decision-Making

 We are afraid to make decisions and afraid to change decisions, ONLY because we lack the awareness and self-trust to actually do what is best (which is a process of development of the self-trust and self-honesty to actually do what is best)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that real decisions in thought/word and deed are able to change our lives, and applied consistently over time will be the format by which we direct the world to be best for all, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see/realize/understand that I can develop self-honesty and self-trust to live Self-Directiveness always and in all ways so that every decision I make or I do not make can be Lived with certainty and Self-Honesty in my accumulation of Self-Responsibility and Self-Trust

When and as I notice myself considering changing a decision, I Stop and I breathe.

I realize that changing a decision requires Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility for what I have done and what I am intending to do.

I realize that changing a decision is OK, it is the Principle behind WHY I am changing the decision OR not changing the decision that is what matters

I realize that changing a decision JUST because I want to feel the energy, is clearly me operating from energy-authority which is unacceptable because it is perpetuating the world-system instead of Life-authority

I realize that as Life-Authority I can make decisions and I can have energy experiences, it is WHO I AM in the process of making the decision and living the consequences of the decision that is what matters, and Self-Honesty and Principled-Living is my guide through this process. For example if I were to go smoke weed again, I would have verification that I am a slave to the energy, which is unacceptable. I AM The directive will, and I realize my focus on doing what is BEST for ALL is what matters, where smoking weed is really just a game of self-interest for me, and that is my decision, that doing what is BEST is what matters.

I realize that there is a time and place for balancing having fun/feeling good with doing the tough/hard work, and that is OK, the balance comes from Self-Honesty, and I do not need to depend on the having fun/feeling good, I realize I am advancing and evolving myself so that I can have fun and feel bliss from door knocking, talking with strangers, blitzing with work and confronting anyone/anything, so that THIS IS REALLY me doing what is best, this is a good feeling knowing I am doing what is best, and that even 1 weekend of changing my decision has basically zero negative consequence, BECAUSE who I am is Life authority and I am walking the authority of Life through my decisions and my moment to moment awareness and Living and Self-Expression

I realize that changing decisions can be an expression and a strengthening of my self-trust, my self-honesty, my flexibility, flow and ability to control myself within and as unbending self-trust, as ultimate certainty as Self, to do what is best for all, no judgment needed from the starting point of feeling/reward/punishment, just practical common sense solutions and Self Perfection as Self Here

Thus I commit myself to Self-Honestly Assessing my Decisions and Living Here, where in a moment I can flow, be flexible, and direct myself to what is Best as this is WHO I AM

I commit myself to continually support myself and anchor myself to doing what is best, regardless of the temporary feeling of the activity, because the activity IS temporary, the physical is what is eternal, so as I move myself and direct the physical reality to what is best, THIS is what counts, this is what matters, literally as matter and as the accounting of Who I AM as my being

I commit myself to support myself to write the BEST self-commitment statements based in practical-reality based solutions so that breath by breath I live Here, where always and in all ways I honor my commitments and my Self-Expression is the Best Expression of my Utmost Potential breath by breath

I commit myself to support my decision making process and to remember that small simple steps can be extremely supportive to me walking the physical to what is best for all

I commit myself to support my decision power so that always and in all ways I have the resources and the self-trust and common sense to direct anything/everything to what is best for all

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