Friday, June 5, 2020

Day 42 - Can One Eliminate the Negative Emotions?

Can one eliminate the negative emotions?

I see that as I progress to the next level, there is a new ‘problem’ that emerges.

The problem itself is not the ‘problem’, as directing the world to what is best for all will obviously have problems that need solutions, it’s a fun challenging game..

The issue that I am having based on my thoughts/backchat/reactions/future-projections is that I emotionally react to information and then DWELL in it, accumulating consequence and energy-generating up more and more I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that I have been avoiding and resisting negative emotions, when in reality whatever I am resisting will persist until it is addressed and walked out in Self-Honesty through Self-Forgiveness, where I will gain the insights and then rewrite myself and LIVE the change because that's how it works

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have not clarified the realization that I WILL have emotional attachments from time to time as I walk this journey to Life, BUT this is actually a blessing because I see where I need to apply self-forgiveness IN DEPTH, until I remain Here as Life within and as Breath, beyond the polarity and emotional attachments

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that even if everything falls apart and I end up homeless on the street or we get hit by a comet, that WHO I AM as Life Substance will STILL re-emerge at some point in time, and I will get back to something like Here, and the Principle of What is Best for All Life will still apply

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to refuse to look at the most evil negative fear attachments and patterns that are existent within my living flesh to thus rewrite myself and restructure myself so that I am Here as Life as Breath, beyond the polarities and attachments that I have accepted and allowed within and as me, until Here no Further as I trust myself to redirect myself as needed to thoroughly walk out these points within me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that the ONLY way I will answer this question - “Can one eliminate the negative emotions” is through Self-Honest Writing, and Self-Forgiveness with Self-Corrective Application, where:
Self-Honest Writing allows me to script out my mind and bring it into the physical, where I can see, realize, understand and face all that I have accepted and allowed myself to become.
Self-Forgiveness allows me to evaluate all the content of my mind-consciousness system and rewrite the content of the mind through taking Self-Responsibility of all that I have accepted and allowed myself to become. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that Self-Forgiveness is ME Giving my SELF the insights, realizations of WHO I REALLY AM within and as this Life as ME as Mitchell Snyder, where it is MY self forgiveness, 100% my responsibility to work through my mind, then the subconscious and unconscious, where at a certain point, the inner-reality and the outer-reality will be understood in and as equality and oneness where what is BEST for all Life will emerge and then be sustained, BECAUSE I (Life I) have been For GIVING.
Self-Corrective Application - Through the writing and the Self-Forgiveness supporting myself to see/realize/understand the nature of reality with the negative, neutral and positive experiences, my Self-Corrective Application is my Living Breathing Example of who I AM in a moment, where if a negative emotion DOES come up, I breathe and I re-direct, and then OVER TIME and my Self-Corrective Application done within Principle, it will emerge where I breathe through ANY energy, as it is only just energy

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that negative emotional attachments are just energy that come from physical programming in the Flesh, where I have the living words and breath to rewrite myself as the Flesh, and the breath to direct and eliminate any energies, so I remain HERE no matter what

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that YES one CAN eliminate negative emotional attachments through breath and self-forgiveness

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that ONLY through going through the negative emotional attachments, facing them, questioning everything, challenging every fear/belief/limitation, can one ACTUALLY then PERMANENTLY eliminate the negative emotions as they will be walked through, deleted and rewritten so the program goes from energy to Living Words that are supportive of all Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand COURAGE as a Living Word within me and WHO I AM within and as my relationship to Negative Energy Attachment, where COUR-AGE is the Core of who I am, plus Age which is accumulation over time, where each negative energy experience is another gift where I can walk through it, grow stronger, and support the COUR/Core of Who I AM to emerge and express even more, as I Age/develop over time

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the fear I have of negative emotional experiences is able to be rewritten through Here and Now as I write out my Self-Forgiveness, within this realization I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that the negative emotions are actually one of the best ‘teachers’ for me at this point in process, as the negative emotions show me where to focus and forgive, then apply Self-Corrective Application, as this is REAL Self-Trust and REAL Living what is best for All, as I learn to move BEYOND the energy/emotions and Live Fully Here

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that living Here as Breath, with the support of Self-Forgiveness, is the answer to the polarity game of negative emotion and positive emotion, where through Breath and Self-Forgiveness I apply Self-Honesty and Self-Directiveness, to do what is Best for all Life

When and as I notice myself experiencing polarity of either negative or positive, I stop and I breathe

I realize that both negative emotional attachment and positive emotional attachment are still just energy, and not what is fully HERE as Life Substance

I realize that negative emotional attachments are a gift for when I am aware of them I can apply Radical Self-Honesty and Self-Forgiveness to thus rewrite myself and take 100% responsibility of who I am and what I have accepted and allowed within and as myself, to DIRECT myself to always and in all ways ensure I am Here for what is actually BEST for all

I realize that the negative emotional attachment and the positive emotional attachment has been hard-wired into me from pre-programming and my acceptances and allowances, yet through walking my process within Self-Honesty I AM actually developing myself and I prove this through my consistent writing, through my expanding awareness of what is practically Here and the uncovering of solutions to support Life, and what I am able to do, with living and taking more responsibility in my Life and in the world system, breathing more and being a stable point for myself and for others

I realize that Self-Forgiveness is my SELF as LIFE for giving LIFE to my SELF and thus to ALL LIFE, as Life is Here in equality and oneness, so the work I do on myself, when done effectively, thus ripples out into all of existence, yet this MUST be cross-referenced to be verifiable by others as seen through real practical measurable changes in physical reality

Therefore I commit myself to quantifying my change through the levels of responsibility I take within the world-system, the money I make and put toward what is best for all Life, the quality and quantity of my network, and the establishment of Heaven on Earth as established through my Principles written on Day 41 of my blog

I commit myself to welcome negative emotional attachments to surface, so that I may effectively write them out and become proactive and preventative to thus just be Here

I commit myself to breathe and be Here

I commit myself to Live the word Courage (Core-Age) as the Core of who I am as Life emerging more and more as I Age

I commit myself to the starting point of Equality and Oneness with ALL Life/Substance and Energy to thus direct ALL to what is best for all

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