Making Love Real (if you read this, read this out loud)
For reference - here is the principle as stated on the Declaration of Living Principles from the Desteni Website
The Principle of Making Love Real
Nurturing and honouring the utmost potential in every individual (including myself) wherein love is not a feeling or emotions, but an action that is lived by doing whatever is necessary to support without compromising myself or the other - without fear of "losing" the relationship or the feelings associated to love, and without accepting or allowing less than my own or my partner's utmost potential.
As I observe my past and what I have accepted and allowed myself to become, I realize I have been consumed by the energy of love, wanting to have more love, wanting to not lose love.I realize I have completely abdicated my responsibility and my worthiness of and as Life through my acceptances and allowances of a faulty definition of love. The realizations I have found have supported me massively to understand and actually stand as Life, as and for what is best, which I continually will prove to myself day after day in complete and brutal self-honesty.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that I have not been making love real
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have been making decisions from the energy of not wanting to lose energy, rather than using self-directive principle of doing what is best in all ways, to honor life, to make love real, and to visibly live the principles of self-forgiveness, self-awareness, self-honesty and self-trust, to actually establish myself in oneness and equality with Life here in the Physical
I forgive myself that I have been accepting and allowing anything less than my ultimate potential, and that ultimate potential in others, as I have been abdicating my directive principle to being based in energy, instead of the operating from the Self-Directive Principle of doing what is best, no matter what the emotions/feelings/conflict/reaction are within myself and others
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to do what is best always and in all ways, believing that I cannot actually trust myself and direct myself and others, that I have accepted and allowed the god of energy to run myself, rather than me standing up and taking 100% responsibility to do ONLY what is best, always and in all ways, to make love real, and to visibly live every single Desteni Principle even if it causes emotional conflict and reaction in others, as the mind-consciousness system/ego will react to the Truth that is inherent in the message of Desteni, common sense and doing what is best for ALL, always and in all ways, the ultimate act of eradicating ego and living from Self-Directive Principle, visibly, honestly, thoroughly, completely, always and in all ways, equal to and one with Life forevermore
I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to do what is best always and in all ways, believing that I cannot actually trust myself and direct myself and others, that I have accepted and allowed the god of energy to run myself, rather than me standing up and taking 100% responsibility to do ONLY what is best, always and in all ways, to make love real, and to visibly live every single Desteni Principle even if it causes emotional conflict and reaction in others, as the mind-consciousness system/ego will react to the Truth that is inherent in the message of Desteni, common sense and doing what is best for ALL, always and in all ways, the ultimate act of eradicating ego and living from Self-Directive Principle, visibly, honestly, thoroughly, completely, always and in all ways, equal to and one with Life forevermore
When and as I notice energy possessions within myself and others, I stop and I breathe
I realize than energy is temporary, yet the physical is forever
When and as I notice myself not living the principle of making love real, meaning that I am accepting and allowing anything less than my own or my partners’ utmost potential, I stop and I breathe
I realize that through brutal self-honesty and consistent self-corrective application, only then am I able to stand as Life and direct myself and other to what is best for all Life, and that there will be moments where I still do not do what is best, but I know and trust and have proved to myself that I am headed to what is best through my journey and through my buddy support, and through my brutal self-honesty, so it is actually best for me to stand and direct myself and others in my self-honesty and my self-trust, doing the best I can possibly do, as this is the effective walking of my process, point by point, breath by breath
I realize that energy possessions are not best
I realize that love is easily mistaken as an energy possession, but this is not real love, as love is not an energy possession, it is a practical living support of ones self and others, to not accept and allow anything less than ones' highest potential
I realize that I accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that I was not making love real, because I was accepting and allowing what is and was less than my own and my partners utmost potential, which I realize is now able to be understood and walked because I am now aware of the Desteni Principles and I have made the Self-Directive decision to Live the Principles, always and in all ways
I realize that I do not need the feeling of love
I realize that partnership agreements are here for support for each other to walk process and live as their best expression and support in their self-perfection, and in turn to assist and support each other in their self-honesty, self-awareness and self-creation
I realize than energy is temporary, yet the physical is forever
When and as I notice myself not living the principle of making love real, meaning that I am accepting and allowing anything less than my own or my partners’ utmost potential, I stop and I breathe
I realize that through brutal self-honesty and consistent self-corrective application, only then am I able to stand as Life and direct myself and other to what is best for all Life, and that there will be moments where I still do not do what is best, but I know and trust and have proved to myself that I am headed to what is best through my journey and through my buddy support, and through my brutal self-honesty, so it is actually best for me to stand and direct myself and others in my self-honesty and my self-trust, doing the best I can possibly do, as this is the effective walking of my process, point by point, breath by breath
I realize that energy possessions are not best
I realize that love is easily mistaken as an energy possession, but this is not real love, as love is not an energy possession, it is a practical living support of ones self and others, to not accept and allow anything less than ones' highest potential
I realize that I accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that I was not making love real, because I was accepting and allowing what is and was less than my own and my partners utmost potential, which I realize is now able to be understood and walked because I am now aware of the Desteni Principles and I have made the Self-Directive decision to Live the Principles, always and in all ways
I realize that I do not need the feeling of love
I realize that partnership agreements are here for support for each other to walk process and live as their best expression and support in their self-perfection, and in turn to assist and support each other in their self-honesty, self-awareness and self-creation
I realize that if others go into emotional conflict and turmoil and even panic and anxiety, that I can breathe, I can assist and support them, and that sometimes this means the situation will not be immediately resolved and that is okay because I trust myself to live as integrity, so whether the situation can be resolved now, soon or way further in the future, I will live and stand as the Directive Principle of Self and Life, therefore there is no need for my ego to come in and take revenge and try to control/manipulate/use the situation for gaining energy or experiencing fear of loss, as I can just breathe, and apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application to neutralize the points and to stand as a Living example of doing what is best for all Life, always and in all ways
I realize that even if my ego takes revenge, that I will direct these points through my consistent commitment to my process, to direct any and all points to what is best, and I will prove to myself that I can and will stand equal to and one with all Life
I realize I am worthy of trust, as long as I am breathing and daily walking process in self-honesty and self-awareness
I realize I am able to be honest with myself and it is easy to do this as I write out these memories, as I am really beginning to understand and establish myself in stability, not fearing looking at these memories and what will come from them, rather digging through these memories to the root memories, and finding the gifts and reclaiming myself as Life, taking responsibility of myself as Life, as I direct myself through all of the dimensions and timelines in myself and my mind-consciousness system, one point and one breath at a time
I realize I am worthy of trust, as long as I am breathing and daily walking process in self-honesty and self-awareness
I realize I am able to be honest with myself and it is easy to do this as I write out these memories, as I am really beginning to understand and establish myself in stability, not fearing looking at these memories and what will come from them, rather digging through these memories to the root memories, and finding the gifts and reclaiming myself as Life, taking responsibility of myself as Life, as I direct myself through all of the dimensions and timelines in myself and my mind-consciousness system, one point and one breath at a time
I realize that I am becoming more effective at self-forgiveness and my words are living and breathing and this is powerful as I am establishing myself here as the physical and my Life, and thus all Lives can and will be benefitting from this process I am walking, it will just take time, breath and being gentle with myself, yet using self-honesty and self-trust to confirm to myself and prove to myself that I am Visibly and Actually Living all of the Principles
I commit myself to visibly living the Desteni Principles I commit myself to prove to myself that I can and will make love real
I commit myself to investigate any and all memories, prioritizing the strongest emotionally charged memories as it is best and most effective to go toward the root memories as these, once released, create shifts in my life which allow me to support myself and others and to most effectively walk process
I commit myself to my utmost potential
I commit myself to the self-directive principle, and to neutralize the ego/energy/mind-consciousness system within and the world-system without, to purify these that I as my being/self/physical am a creator of a world and a world-system that is actually best for all Life, always and in all ways…. this is my commitment to my Self
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