Thursday, April 9, 2020

Day 15 - Rejection of Ego

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the experience of fearing rejection, and rejection itself is a gift because it can make me - as Life - stronger as I see that throughout this Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application Journey that I am able to be all powerful as Life when I stand equal to and one with Life/Physicality, therefore any rejection and fear of rejection I know is clearly just ego/energy and thus the energetic/conflict reaction within me that I have labeled 'fear of rejection' is a gift/opportunity for me to apply my Self-Corrective Application even more effectively and stand more robustly and fully as Life

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to live as Self-Interest through me not speaking up throughout my past and to have directed myself to do what is actually best, through Self-Honest Self-Reflection,Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that by me just being a passive observer, not willing to walk out of my comfort zone, that I was accepting and allowing myself to not be here in Self-Responsibility and Self-Directive Principle, actually living my principles and supporting myself and all of Life, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to interact, speak up, and support Life by stepping out of my "comfort zone", where I would actually step up and face the fear of rejection and walk through it
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to bullshit myself and make excuses and justifications for why I do not do certain things that involve facing rejection when in my self-honesty I know it is just me as Self-Directive Principle abdicating responsibility for the energy-authority aka ego, which has been me accepting and allowing the abuse of the ego/energy authority... Til Here No Further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that fear of rejection is equal to the ego/energy authority that exists in relationship to the social dominance hierarchy system, and in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to stand equal to and one with Life, being the Life authority which need no social dominance hierarchy, rather an equal system of Life utilizing Life-Awareness to bring Life-Awareness to Life in oneness and equality, being Here as breath as the solution to the social dominance hierarchy and other ego-energy systems in which rejection and fear of rejection exist, which the solution of Life may be implemented through the Self-Directive Principle and Self-Corrective Application, walked daily, breath by breath in complete and brutal self-honesty, with willingness to face and confront any and every fear until we all stand equally and one as Life Ah... very good
I realize that humans are social creatures, and it is best to actually be social, from the starting point of Life, therefore there is no fear of rejection needed, rather rejection may be redefined to the situation where Life within self and others must be directed even more creatively

I realize that fear of rejection is fear of loss and fear of discomfort, which is just the abdication of Life authority for energy authority

I realize that it can be fun and easy to communicate with others and through my Self-Directive Principle it does not even matter if I feel good or bad, what truly matters is the expression of Life from me, from the starting point of oneness and equality

I realize that all humans are Life deep down, and we are equal in that we are all Life, therefore the social dominance hierarchy need not exist and I can delete this system of social dominance hierarchy through my own process of Self-Forgiveness, Self-Corrective Application and Self-Directive Principle daily applied breath by breath and by my standing equal to and one with Life

I realize that it is best for all Life for me to communicate what I need to communicate in my self-honesty and to participate in groups, as me facing and deleting any and every fear and mind-construct that that is not best for all Life, and that any indication of fear of rejection is really just a reminder that Life in Self and others must be even more creatively expressed in oneness and equality, and the experience of rejection is a learning opportunity to be an even more effective human
I realize that fear of rejection is just the abdicating responsibility of Life authority to energy authority, TIL HERE NO FURTHER
Therefore.... I commit myself to prove to myself that I am Life and Life cannot be rejected by Life, Life is just expressed in a multitude of ways
I commit myself to the best expression of Life within and without I commit myself to Self-Honest Self-Reflection and Self-Corrective Application to become and live, verifiably, as Life and what is best for all Life, always and in all ways
I commit myself to dissolve the social dominance hierarchy into the social-Life of Life, through me walking process and standing as a living example of Life equality and oneness, always and in all ways

I commit myself to show myself that only the ego will reject Life, therefore as one who stands equal to and one with Life, I will face rejection from egos and this will enable the antifragility of Life

I commit myself to speak up, share myself as Life, and continue walking process until everyone is Here in equality and oneness with and as Life

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