Thursday, May 7, 2020

Day 27: Work


I remember when I was a kid and my grandma and grandpa would employ me and my brother to do yard work.

I remember from the very moment of the work being assigned to us, I reacted with lethargy and not wanting to do it. I participated in the character of drudgery and avoidance. My shoulders slumped. I stopped breathing deeply and being Here in and as my physical body. I wanted to stop and rush at the same time, to avoid it and get it over at the same time.

I would feel the heat from the sun on my skin. I knew it would take time so I had to get water and a snack to go outside. I did not like to do the work. I failed to develop my real character as Life that is willing to do whatever it takes to do what is best for all Life within principle.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold onto avoidance of work at a resonant level in my unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the participation in avoidance, lethargy and drudgery to be and become and strengthen as my starting point within and as what I have done, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to do the work necessary within myself to establish and purify my starting point as Life, beyond avoidance, lethargy and drudgery, so until Here no Further. This IS my writing out and the necessary work to establish myself in and as Life in my work and my expression of myself as work, always and in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see the Life-giving benefits of working and applying myself diligently to the task at hand

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in illusions and fantasies and conscious, subconscious and unconscious mind-patterns of doing just enough work, and getting it done fast, so I NEVER have to work again and I can just abdicate responsibility, UNTIL HERE NO FURTHER, I will work consistently through my entire Life, there is no retirement, it is just different phases of the journey of accumulating more and more and more responsibility as Life, and directing myself and EVERYTHING to doing what is best for all Life. This is a Lifelong journey that I am NOW dedicated to in my complete Self-Honesty

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that over time, “work” does evolve, yet my Self-Honesty will be my ‘guiding force’ so I can know exactly if I am myself, or if I am actually doing what is best, within how I am applying myself in physical reality to do what is best for all Life as a businessman, entrepreneur and ‘worker’ that is really an extension of Self as Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abdicate responsibility and let my mind run rampant with thoughts/feelings/emotions/backchat of how much I did not want to work, completely failing to see the benefit of utilizing the physical and physically applying myself to get in touch with what is real and Here

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to react with dread from the moment the project was assigned, failing to see/realize/understand that dread and mental emotional energy is a waste of my Human Life that I have been freely given, and is a sin that I can no longer afford to commit, so the waste of mental energy has gone until Here no Further, as I apply myself daily, breath by breath in Self-Honesty

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to participate in thoughts/feelings/emotions/backchat of doing the bare minimum and getting the work over, failing to take responsibility for doing the work well, enjoying the work, and actually adding to the overall Life-giving system that is the ‘homestead’ and the lawn, that I was working on, through mowing, weeding the garden, washing the house and so forth, in this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have rushed through activities, NOT doing my best work at all whatsoever, failing to see/realize/understand that the smaller work-activities are the precursor to what will come, so if I half-ass my work and my responsibilities, I half-ass who I am in this world-system and I will forever stay stuck UNTIL I direct myself in my activities and my responsibilities which I am now doing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am special and unique and can be exempt from the physical laws of reality, where the physical laws of reality are akin to a garden that grows, it takes time, it takes work, it takes diligence and patience, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to embody the best principles and characteristics of a responsible farmer/gardener/entrepreneur that participates with the world-system through giving as I want to receive. My ego is not special, and that is actually best

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that the way I do anything is the way I do everything, so any work that is done from the starting point of wanting recognition, for the sake of recognition alone, is not best, rather, the recognition is a byproduct of just doing what is best, and the fruits of the labor WILL emerge, it just takes time and consistent self-honest application which I am fully committed to

I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to participate in spitefulness and resentment toward my grandparents and my brother, completely abdicating my authority as Life and Self-Directive Principle - where I had completely abdicated my ability to take responsibility to do what is best through the work and through my participation with them and supporting them and myself to do the best work we can to actually create a Life-giving system within and as us and the ‘homestead’ and the work that was to be done, that spitefulness goes until Here no Further, as I am committed to breath by breath supporting my team and applying/self-honestly evolving the systems of my business in the best way and the best timing

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid embracing the extended pain/duration of the work day, failing to see/realize/understand the benefit of applying myself physically to a task, step by step to completion

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the power and benefit of utilizing self-forgiveness and self-corrective application throughout my day, from when I wake up to when I get ready for work, to the work itself, to the ‘finishing up’ of the work, to the aftermath of the work

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I need to use energy-motivators to get through the work shift, from drinking something beforehand like a soda with caffeine and sugar, or looking forward to the lunch time meal/dinner time meal as a reward of energy, failing to see/realize/understand that the reward-seeking from the starting point of energy is not best, rather, breath by breath the work will be done and at a certain point it will be best to have a meal, and there can be a pleasurable experience with the meal, but that pleasure is irrelevant, as it is WHO I AM within and as the work/meals/surrounding activities that matters, and I will prove this to myself

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that work and the consistent daily application of work, from the starting point of Life, is best for all Life

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I cannot trust myself to apply myself thoroughly to the task at hand, when in my self-honesty I know that I actually will, through the system that I’ve built through my two main businesses, where over time and consistent application, the work is being done and the fruits of the labor WILL emerge, what REALLY matters is the breath by breath self-honest and self-directive principle that I express as myself as Life from the starting point of doing what is best for all Life

When and as I notice myself participating in the energetic-emotional starting point of work, I stop and I breathe

I realize that Who I Am in relation to work is day-by-day more clearly becoming LIFE

I realize that through my schedule, closing out the week strong, planning ahead, I will maintain the structure required to do what is best

I realize that any spitefulness toward others and my work is really just an acceptance and allowance of excuse, blame, justification and energy, until Here no Further. I take full responsibility and I take the responsibility for delegating responsibility in the best way.

I realize I am Life and I am responsible as Life Authority to establish day by day my business/money/team/culture as an extension of myself as Life

I realize that literally every aspect of Life, how I show up with work, how I type on my computer, how I speak with people, taking out the trash, doing my laundry is ALL a chance to express who I am as LIFE

I realize that my work is an extension of myself, and I am getting better and better at living as myself as Life, and not just energetic-experience

I realize that principles are the structure to what I do, so I do not need to depend on feelings/emotions to do the work or not do the work, rather, I just apply self-honesty, self-forgiveness and self-corrective application ALL as my Self-Directive Principle to always and in all ways do what is best, whether working or not, therefore my entire Life may be a representation of a Living example of what is best for all Life

I realize that the work-ethic of the gardener/farmer/entrepreneur is able to be lived from the starting point of what is best in/as the physical, where breath by breath I apply myself, I take responsibility, and in my self-honesty I realize where I can delegate responsibilities and thus bring the operation to the next level, bringing in more people where we can all together work and create a world that is best for all Life where we equally distribute resources, which will take years, yet this is what I am dedicated to


I commit myself to consistently show up every day as Life

I commit myself to take time and space to reflect on the business and what responsibilities need to be delegated, and which are best for me to continue doing

I commit myself to support my team with our responsibilities and to ensure we do our work in the best ways

I commit myself to support my team with using TechnoTutor and the daily writing to right out ourselves, our minds and to walk as Life within and as our business, our money, ourselves so that the business IS a extension of ourselves as Life

I commit myself to trust myself with my morning routine and the ways I support myself and my body/energy with recuperating, staying strong, healthy and supporting myself to fully give in all that I do in the best way that is sustainable for the next 100+ years

I commit myself to breathe and to practice Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective application as needed any/every time I look at the word work and business as living words within my Life, and in my self-honesty should any correction be needed, I will apply myself to redirect myself and everything to what is best for all Life

I commit myself to support my team members in achieving the best goals

I commit myself to support myself to achieve my best goals

I commit myself to be patient yet urgent with the growth of the business, continually applying myself and simultaneously aware that this will just take time to grow and evolve

I commit myself to transcend fear of loss within and as the business, as I know that what we are doing is Best for all Life, and the right people will show up and resonate with the principles and the message, it is just a process of day in and day out showing up in dedication and as Life

I commit myself to continually breathe Life into the business

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