What am I unhappy about?
I am unhappy with myself that I have not realized my Desteni/Destiny in clear form until today really, until this writing in fact.
I am unhappy with myself that I have not realized my Desteni/Destiny in clear form until today really, until this writing in fact.
My Desteni/Destiny is here, and my happiness can live in and as that Living of "What I am Really Here to Do/Impact/Create"
I was working through DIP Pro today and reading some Self-Forgiveness Statements about forgiving myself for not being happy with myself and not truly appreciating myself, and this brought up a great point that over my entire Life I have fluctuated from being happy to being unhappy, NEARLY COMPLETELY unaware of the fact that the happiness was based in energy, which is fleeting as the energy is here for a moment, and then it wears off, because the energy is a temporary experience of polarity and generating conflict between happy/unhappy.
So I have been an energy/conflict-generator, failing to see the point that the true eternal happiness that is unshakeable is possible ONLY through me realizing my Living within the context of what is best for ALL Life, anything less is akin to being part of a body, saying fuck the rest of this body, I’m gonna just ‘do me’. Failing to see the interconnectedness, the oneness and equality, and what is actually possible when Life is Observed - and Self as Life is committed to working together in agreement and harmony toward a greater purpose that is actually best for all of Life (including all selves as Life)
So I have been unhappy throughout my Life and have not even investigated this unhappiness until now, REALLY investigated this for myself - so within my current observation - within this present moment where I am now aware of the larger context of what is really going on in reality and Life’s manifestation as me as an absolute individual that is simultaneously part of the whole...
I was working through DIP Pro today and reading some Self-Forgiveness Statements about forgiving myself for not being happy with myself and not truly appreciating myself, and this brought up a great point that over my entire Life I have fluctuated from being happy to being unhappy, NEARLY COMPLETELY unaware of the fact that the happiness was based in energy, which is fleeting as the energy is here for a moment, and then it wears off, because the energy is a temporary experience of polarity and generating conflict between happy/unhappy.
So I have been an energy/conflict-generator, failing to see the point that the true eternal happiness that is unshakeable is possible ONLY through me realizing my Living within the context of what is best for ALL Life, anything less is akin to being part of a body, saying fuck the rest of this body, I’m gonna just ‘do me’. Failing to see the interconnectedness, the oneness and equality, and what is actually possible when Life is Observed - and Self as Life is committed to working together in agreement and harmony toward a greater purpose that is actually best for all of Life (including all selves as Life)
So I have been unhappy throughout my Life and have not even investigated this unhappiness until now, REALLY investigated this for myself - so within my current observation - within this present moment where I am now aware of the larger context of what is really going on in reality and Life’s manifestation as me as an absolute individual that is simultaneously part of the whole...
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the feeling/emotion of unhappy in relationship as myself with myself throughout my timeline as Life as individual manifestation, failing to see/realize/understand the common sense that I have been unhappy because I have accepted and allowed within myself and within the world, a world with suffering that is perpetuating, so I have literally been accepting and allowing myself (as Life) to suffer, failing to take responsibility and direct myself within, and the entire world-system without, to what is actually best, where REAL happiness emerge
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the myth of “pursuit of happiness” because inherent within the pursuit, implies that it is not already within, so it will inevitably be a cycle of have/have not, which has been what I have accepted and allowed until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the gift that is unhappiness, as it is a reference point of where one is not taking 100% responsibility as Life for Life to do what is best for all Life, because that unhappiness can and WILL be converted to True Happiness, provided the Principles are agreed upon within and without, and Lived, where True Happiness = the Living of the Principles of What is Best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience unhappiness as I have failed to appreciate myself for who I am as Life, where I have abdicated responsibility for myself as an Absolute Individual as Life, and for what is best for All Life, until Here no Further as I now take 100% responsibility for all that we have accepted and allowed, including all consequence and whatever is required to establish a World that is Best for All Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that when I have not had the clear starting point within Principle of actually doing what is best, within Self-Honesty, Self-Trust and Self-Responsibility, that any attempt at “appreciating myself” is actually a bullshit excuse of my ego justifying why it is OK to just accept and allow what I have accepted and allowed, failing to see the direct reality that my own mind is abusing my body every day like a parasite living off of it, which I am in the process of becoming one and equal to, and ALSO on the world-scale that billions of humans suffer and millions die every single day as a direct consequence and consequence outflow of the system that we have accepted and allowed, where humans as Life have been repressed and abused as energy-generators, where we have failed humanity to guarantee a Life of Dignity for anyone born into this world, and that is NOT best, so therefore any “appreciating of myself” and “appreciating of the way things are” has been complete abdication of responsibility and the refusing of the manifestation of True Happiness - which is the Living of the Principles of What is Best for all Life - Until Here, through Self-Forgiveness we are for giving the gift of Life back to ourselves, for Life, as Life, in the context of what is best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my self-interest and my inner feelings to be my guide, believing the lie that my feelings even matter, when in reality my feelings are a result of the programming that has been stored in the flesh of my body through my acceptances and allowances and what was programmed into me in the first 7 years of my Life as well as the media and advertising, where my feelings were thoroughly fucked, so any use of feelings to justify anything is not valid, as it is just a clusterfuck of ego manipulation, generating conflict and more manipulation, UNTIL HERE NO FURTHER I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that True Happiness emerges from doing what is best for all Life, that the happiness and 'positive emotions/feelings' is a result of Visibly Living the Principles
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing the myth of “pursuit of happiness” because inherent within the pursuit, implies that it is not already within, so it will inevitably be a cycle of have/have not, which has been what I have accepted and allowed until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the gift that is unhappiness, as it is a reference point of where one is not taking 100% responsibility as Life for Life to do what is best for all Life, because that unhappiness can and WILL be converted to True Happiness, provided the Principles are agreed upon within and without, and Lived, where True Happiness = the Living of the Principles of What is Best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to experience unhappiness as I have failed to appreciate myself for who I am as Life, where I have abdicated responsibility for myself as an Absolute Individual as Life, and for what is best for All Life, until Here no Further as I now take 100% responsibility for all that we have accepted and allowed, including all consequence and whatever is required to establish a World that is Best for All Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that when I have not had the clear starting point within Principle of actually doing what is best, within Self-Honesty, Self-Trust and Self-Responsibility, that any attempt at “appreciating myself” is actually a bullshit excuse of my ego justifying why it is OK to just accept and allow what I have accepted and allowed, failing to see the direct reality that my own mind is abusing my body every day like a parasite living off of it, which I am in the process of becoming one and equal to, and ALSO on the world-scale that billions of humans suffer and millions die every single day as a direct consequence and consequence outflow of the system that we have accepted and allowed, where humans as Life have been repressed and abused as energy-generators, where we have failed humanity to guarantee a Life of Dignity for anyone born into this world, and that is NOT best, so therefore any “appreciating of myself” and “appreciating of the way things are” has been complete abdication of responsibility and the refusing of the manifestation of True Happiness - which is the Living of the Principles of What is Best for all Life - Until Here, through Self-Forgiveness we are for giving the gift of Life back to ourselves, for Life, as Life, in the context of what is best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my self-interest and my inner feelings to be my guide, believing the lie that my feelings even matter, when in reality my feelings are a result of the programming that has been stored in the flesh of my body through my acceptances and allowances and what was programmed into me in the first 7 years of my Life as well as the media and advertising, where my feelings were thoroughly fucked, so any use of feelings to justify anything is not valid, as it is just a clusterfuck of ego manipulation, generating conflict and more manipulation, UNTIL HERE NO FURTHER I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that True Happiness emerges from doing what is best for all Life, that the happiness and 'positive emotions/feelings' is a result of Visibly Living the Principles
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that the Journey to Life is a process that I am observing actively through taking responsibility of everything I have accepted and allowed, writing/righting it out so that the real expression of my Self is a Living example of what is best for all Life, which I now truly appreciate "about myself", and this Observation/Journey/Living within and as Principle, results in True Happiness (beyond the feelings/emotions), all within and as Self-Responsibility and the accumulation of breath and responsibility where always and in all ways I do what is best, where over time, WE do what is best, as we are all LIFE, and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that we are literally all Life, we have just accepted and allowed the bullshit and misconceptions and misunderstandings of words and how reality really works, generating the illusion of happiness/unhappiness, failing to see/realize/Observe/Live True Happiness until Now
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that I have not Self-Honestly and Self-Trust in my Life therefore there is no way I could have even been actually Happy in my Life for any sustained and genuine duration because WHO I AM/HAD BEEN was operating from Self-Interest Only in one way or another, so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in Self-Interest Only, failing to see the reality that What is Best for All Life is actually in the Ultimate Interest of the Self, because it unlocks the next level of what is possible as Self because all Life now has come into play, where Self-Interest Only is very limited, but Self-as-Life is in the interest of Life, where Life as me as Self is giving unto itself where a newer and better version of what is possible as Life can continually expand and emerge, resulting in a happiness/release/realization for us as Life of a magnitude that we have not seen yet
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that my human physical body has held memories and traumas of unhappiness and emotional turmoils that CAN and WILL be written out through thorough and effective Self-Forgiveness, and the CHANGE will be LIVED as true Self-Corrective Application, and this ENTIRE PROCESS is the Living of True Happiness, as this is the Observation of True Happiness, not happiness that is 'chased’ but the True Happiness emerge from the actual Self-Directive Living
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that I have not Self-Honestly and Self-Trust in my Life therefore there is no way I could have even been actually Happy in my Life for any sustained and genuine duration because WHO I AM/HAD BEEN was operating from Self-Interest Only in one way or another, so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in Self-Interest Only, failing to see the reality that What is Best for All Life is actually in the Ultimate Interest of the Self, because it unlocks the next level of what is possible as Self because all Life now has come into play, where Self-Interest Only is very limited, but Self-as-Life is in the interest of Life, where Life as me as Self is giving unto itself where a newer and better version of what is possible as Life can continually expand and emerge, resulting in a happiness/release/realization for us as Life of a magnitude that we have not seen yet
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that my human physical body has held memories and traumas of unhappiness and emotional turmoils that CAN and WILL be written out through thorough and effective Self-Forgiveness, and the CHANGE will be LIVED as true Self-Corrective Application, and this ENTIRE PROCESS is the Living of True Happiness, as this is the Observation of True Happiness, not happiness that is 'chased’ but the True Happiness emerge from the actual Self-Directive Living
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself that I have been unhappy, that somehow I could have done something differently to be happy, completely failing to see the point that there IS NO WAY TO ACTUALLY BE GENUINELY HAPPY unless one is Living within the Principle of What is Best for all Life, as ANYTHING LESS than this is just Self-Interest Only, the abdication of responsibility to sort out reality so ALL have an equal opportunity to happiness, and this Self-Interested happiness is actually evil because it is not actually giving to all of Life in a way that is supportive and will Live beyond one’s individual manifested ‘singularity’, the illusory Self-Interested happiness will die when one dies as one had been thinking it is special, unique and worthy of happiness in it’s own right, COMPLETELY failing to see the oneness and equality and to actually Live in a way that is best for all Life within and as oneness and equality, where the oneness and equality is Lived and is an agreed-upon and Lived Platform that on top of this platform of agreement we can all REALLY start creating, as nothing like this can ever be possible if Self-Interest Only is accepted and allowed. Eventually even the Self-Interested Egomaniacs will see they are missing out and choose to agree to what is best for all Life as ultimately it will serve "their" Self-Interest too, but this time in a way that is best for all Life. This will be fun to see/create.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it will be ‘too much work’ and I should ‘give up’ to express what is best for all Life, which is basically doubt, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the choice of doubt, where that is no longer necessary as I continue walking process I will eradicate doubt to absolute knowingness and certainty and the True Happiness that is the Living of the Principles will be known collectively and eventually by all… Get ready for True Happiness like one has not seen before
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that through my entire Life up until now that happiness has been an illusion and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have judged myself for taking so long to see through the illusion to what is actually Here and REAL, until Here - The Time is NOW - True Happiness is just a decision away - it is the decision of an inner-agreement on Principle
When and as I notice myself failing to see/realize/understand the oneness and equality of all Life that is Here, I stop and I breathe
I realize that I am Life
I realize that True Happiness is the Living of the Principles of what is Best for all Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it will be ‘too much work’ and I should ‘give up’ to express what is best for all Life, which is basically doubt, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the choice of doubt, where that is no longer necessary as I continue walking process I will eradicate doubt to absolute knowingness and certainty and the True Happiness that is the Living of the Principles will be known collectively and eventually by all… Get ready for True Happiness like one has not seen before
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that through my entire Life up until now that happiness has been an illusion and within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have judged myself for taking so long to see through the illusion to what is actually Here and REAL, until Here - The Time is NOW - True Happiness is just a decision away - it is the decision of an inner-agreement on Principle
When and as I notice myself failing to see/realize/understand the oneness and equality of all Life that is Here, I stop and I breathe
I realize that I am Life
I realize that True Happiness is the Living of the Principles of what is Best for all Life
I realize that anyone claiming they have happiness - that is from activities that are not actually producing an outcome that is best for all Life - that it is my responsibility to stand as a Living Example and to utilize Common Sense within my interactions with them, so that the Journey to Life continues and expands, where more and more and more Individuals are able to see the Common Sense of the Message of What is Best for all Life, and practically Live it
I realize that we are growing together within and as Agreement in Principle and therefore True Happiness will continue to emerge
I realize that I do appreciate myself - as I realize my Self is Life, as an absolute individual, yet equal and one with Life, and through consistent daily application of Visibly Walking the Journey to Life, that I stand to be Observable by others, that together the Journey to Life is a Living Observation
I realize that we are growing together within and as Agreement in Principle and therefore True Happiness will continue to emerge
I realize that I do appreciate myself - as I realize my Self is Life, as an absolute individual, yet equal and one with Life, and through consistent daily application of Visibly Walking the Journey to Life, that I stand to be Observable by others, that together the Journey to Life is a Living Observation
Therefore I commit myself to expose any Self-Interested Happiness for what it is, a false deity that is worshipped and chased, at the expense of Life
I commit myself to stand as a Living Example of what True Happiness that is eternal actually looks like
I commit myself to consistently walk the DIP Pro Process within Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility
I commit myself to trust myself in my expression as Life as I am in agreement with my self as Life, therefore I am trustworthy as Life provided I continue walking with Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility within and as Principle
I commit myself to the Observation of Life and What is Best for All Life
I commit myself to stand as a Living Example of what True Happiness that is eternal actually looks like
I commit myself to consistently walk the DIP Pro Process within Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility
I commit myself to trust myself in my expression as Life as I am in agreement with my self as Life, therefore I am trustworthy as Life provided I continue walking with Self-Honesty and Self-Responsibility within and as Principle
I commit myself to the Observation of Life and What is Best for All Life
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