(Note - this is a personal writing that I’m putting on my blog. Read this out LOUD. Otherwise the benefit is missed ((avoided)). Only reading in the mind will not create a shift within. Spoken words are Living words and directly resonates within and as the body - which is where all memory and programming is held physically)
(Note - this is a personal writing that I’m putting on my blog. Read this out LOUD. Otherwise the benefit is missed ((avoided)). Only reading in the mind will not create a shift within. Spoken words are Living words and directly resonates within and as the body - which is where all memory and programming is held physically)
I remember as a kid I would avoid my responsibility of emptying the dishwasher
I realize that my responsibilities are important and it is best for me to eradicate my unconscious, subconscious and conscious aversion and avoidance to my responsibilities
I would even hide in my bedroom because I knew if I would go into the kitchen then I would be asked to unload the dishwasher
I would even hide in my bedroom because I knew if I would go into the kitchen then I would be asked to unload the dishwasher
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid the responsibility of unloading the dishwasher
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to avoid going into the other room because I knew what was going to be asked of me, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed premeditated avoidance of responsibility and ALL of the consequences that have come from this acceptance and allowance, as it has shaped my character and my expression in ways that are not best
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the simplicity that willingly taking on more responsibility and establishing myself as a responsible human is actually best, and it is NEVER as bad as the ‘mind’ makes it out to be, so the real application of myself as Living Responsibility is best because the outcome will be best, not only for me but for all (as they are really one and the same)
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the character of avoidance and to blame, excuse and justify my actions which is really just the energy authority being accepted and allowed instead of the Life authority that I truly can be and Live as in every breath, one breath at a time, accumulating responsibility for everything that has been accepted and allowed within this world, so that it can ALL be directed to what is best, but that ability to direct is ONLY possible through taking 100% self-responsibility which means EVEN in the small actions like unloading the dishwasher, and being willing to go into the room where I knew I would likely be asked to unload the dishwasher, time to JUST FACE IT AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and EVERYTHING gets better, or suffer in the time loop and fail to learn the lesson of taking full responsibility….
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that avoidance is not best, and WHO I AM within the action is REALLY WHAT MATTERS
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to stop and breathe when it comes to the decision moment of what I am going to do - take responsibility or not
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the real true growth and the inner change is reflected in the outer change, and anything that is NOT real in the physical world is actually proof of the energetic-authority-mind-consciousness-system f***ing with me and my ability to actually direct myself to do what is actually best for all Life which is to grow in Self-Honesty, Self-Trust, Self-Responsibility and Self-Directive Principle
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to over complicate my daily schedule and operations, where because I avoid certain things and do not have a system that I trust perfectly, that I create a fiasco which compounds all of the emotions/problems/issues instead of just facing the task, breathing and doing it, realizing that in doing the task I am doing much more than the task, it is WHO I AM that is developing in strength and expression, that I can TRUST MYSELF and this trust is priceless and utterly fulfilling beyond any sense of escapism and avoidance because all energy is limited - yet LIFE is expansive and eternal, so my alignment and expression of Life as Life in and as Self-Responsibility to do what is best for all Life (starting with the small things like the dishwasher, developing all over time) that I AM Life and I can be trusted with Life, therefore I express and Live the attributes of Life like expansion and eternal presence, which over time creates a self-fulfilling loop where all Life can be supported to continual improvement, this all starts with ME and my single choice - will I do what is best?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to trust myself within and as common sense, to factor in my responsibilities with what is actually best for all within the Self-Honest look at my schedule and timeline… within the context of Self-Honesty and what is best for ALL, no more bullshitting, just practical common sense and stepping up to stand as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the real true growth and the inner change is reflected in the outer change, and anything that is NOT real in the physical world is actually proof of the energetic-authority-mind-consciousness-system f***ing with me and my ability to actually direct myself to do what is actually best for all Life which is to grow in Self-Honesty, Self-Trust, Self-Responsibility and Self-Directive Principle
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to over complicate my daily schedule and operations, where because I avoid certain things and do not have a system that I trust perfectly, that I create a fiasco which compounds all of the emotions/problems/issues instead of just facing the task, breathing and doing it, realizing that in doing the task I am doing much more than the task, it is WHO I AM that is developing in strength and expression, that I can TRUST MYSELF and this trust is priceless and utterly fulfilling beyond any sense of escapism and avoidance because all energy is limited - yet LIFE is expansive and eternal, so my alignment and expression of Life as Life in and as Self-Responsibility to do what is best for all Life (starting with the small things like the dishwasher, developing all over time) that I AM Life and I can be trusted with Life, therefore I express and Live the attributes of Life like expansion and eternal presence, which over time creates a self-fulfilling loop where all Life can be supported to continual improvement, this all starts with ME and my single choice - will I do what is best?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to trust myself within and as common sense, to factor in my responsibilities with what is actually best for all within the Self-Honest look at my schedule and timeline… within the context of Self-Honesty and what is best for ALL, no more bullshitting, just practical common sense and stepping up to stand as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deny myself the Living of Self-Trust, in my desire to allocate my mornings to a certain responsibility and my afternoons and evenings to other responsibilities, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to place myself in a box of perceived limitation, perceived inadequacy and perceived self-hindrance where I believe the lie that I cannot do anything at any time and take responsibility for using the present moment to either self-honestly just take the action, or that I can self-honestly apply common sense reasoning, place the responsibility in my calendar and then take action at the appropriate time, where WHO I AM in the process is Self-Directive and Self-Honest and actually trustworthy as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that me abdicating responsibility when in my REAL Self-Honesty (that is developed over time through self-forgiveness and self-corrective application) I know that it is best to do the action, that when I do NOT take the action, I actually accumulate consequences and my mind is allowed to run rampant and free and reinforce and ‘update’ itself because I gave into the resistance, which is me being weak, and untrustworthy as Life, which is not just going to have adverse consequences in my Life, but all of my loved ones and everyone in the world can now not trust me fully because I do not trust myself to actually do what is best always and in all ways, where within common sense, I am able to be both gentle with myself (to not beat myself up unnecessarily) yet where I can ACTUALLY CHANGE MYSELF, because staying in limbo and not actually progressing and doing anything substantial with my Life is the ultimate sin, because I was given Life, but I am not willing to become Life-giving, rather I am a parasite living off the world-system while billions suffer daily, just so I can live in a bubble of isolation thinking that my joy and my emotions and my feelings is what matters, when in reality, MATTER is what matters, and unless I take responsibility and direct myself and everything that is HERE to what is best for all Life, then I have abdicated my Life to just be a fleeting energy experience which will die when I die, being forgotten throughout time, instead of birthing myself Here as Life in the Physical, taking responsibility for what is Here and actually creating Heaven on Earth, where we create something better than has ever existed, something more truly fulfilling than can ever be experienced in the isolated mind-energy-consciousness system, again the choice is mine - will I do what is best?
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the gift that is in changing my beliefs and paradigms around what I have accepted and allowed regarding my approach to my responsibilities, where I can rewrite my beliefs and my paradigms so it is actually more pleasurable and more fulfilling to take on more responsibility, as the abdication of responsibility is a mask of suffering that exist until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to give myself the gift that is challenging all of my limitations, my excuses, my fears, and one by one re-writing them and then proving to myself I am actually changing in real physical reality, where I can then tangibly see my change in my expression, in my living, in my creations, where over time I can develop myself so that I can ALWAYS be HERE, ALWAYS do what is best, ALWAYS direct myself, ALWAYS Living Here as the breath in each and every moment, within and as FULL SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, where now avoidance is redefined as another gift where I see how I can further optimize myself and take even more responsibility and build my Self-Directive Will even more profoundly and robustly, as this IS best, then I am unstoppable, and this will be proven over time as time is the true test of if change is happening or if I am deluding myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the gift that is avoidance, where it is an indicator to show me where I have accepted and allowed weakness within myself and others, where there is a moment of Change that I can and WILL PROVE TO MYSELF that I actually can change in a breath, where Who I AM is Life and the authority that is me as Life can and WILL direct the situation beyond any mind-energy-limitation, to actually just do what is best within Common Sense to Live as what is actually best for all, which is actually best for me too, as we are literally interconnected and interdependent as humanity, just like a body, the organs and the cells, where all working together in harmony toward what is best is actually best, no isolation needed, just each part taking responsibility, to full responsibility from avoidance
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use excuse and justification of not wanting to feel discomfort to then justify my avoidance that because it feels better emotionally in the moment that somehow that justifies my actions, when that is just a BS excuse, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rob myself of the gift that is the satisfaction of KNOWING that I actually applied myself and did the task that I said I would do in full responsibility where I can say in 100% Self-Honesty that I can trust myself more now, because I did the thing I said I was going to do and therefore I am actually Living Integrity, like a muscle that I am building until my integrity is invincible and unstoppable where others may see this and change themselves based on the compilation of small actions that I have taken over and over, even when nobody's watching, because the way I do anything is the way I do everything, and that is 100% true because everything IS interconnected, there is no isolation, only perceived isolation that is the mind-consciousness-system fucking with Life, Until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse and justification of the responsibility taking time (i.e. “this will take too much time right now, so let me just do it later when I have more time”), and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the excuse and justification of not wanting to stay attentive and face the risk of “using up my time” to see the activity through to its completion and conclusion, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the common sense understanding that I am capable of taking the responsibility and just addressing it now, then even if it does take time, more than I anticipated, that I have a wonderful opportunity to practice Self-Trust, where I can trust myself to direct myself to what is best, over a prolonged period of time, and actually just make the thing happen that I need to do, and if there is an “open loop” where the activity/responsibility is not able to be brought to an immediate conclusion/completion, I can always remember that I am learning how to breathe in each and every moment, and how to trust myself and my schedule and my prioritization of my activities throughout my day (and my responsibilities and WHO I AM in relationship to my responsibilities) and these realizations are a REAL GIFT that I have missed seeing, because I had avoided taking responsibility and taking the actions that take time to complete - that even amidst the conflict and the uncertainty that is the “open loop” (of a responsibility once avoided, then taken, then not yet come to completion) that throughout this entire process of going from avoidance to start to completion of the activity - that I can cross-reference WHO I AM with my BREATH and my SELF DIRECTIVE WILL that I may always and in all ways be Here as Life Authority, and should there be any failure or falling, I have a clear gift that once I am aware that I have fallen, I can immediately apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application so that I can prove to myself again and again until it is visible for all to see that I am able to direct myself Here as Life to what is best always and in all ways
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the gift that is in changing my beliefs and paradigms around what I have accepted and allowed regarding my approach to my responsibilities, where I can rewrite my beliefs and my paradigms so it is actually more pleasurable and more fulfilling to take on more responsibility, as the abdication of responsibility is a mask of suffering that exist until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to give myself the gift that is challenging all of my limitations, my excuses, my fears, and one by one re-writing them and then proving to myself I am actually changing in real physical reality, where I can then tangibly see my change in my expression, in my living, in my creations, where over time I can develop myself so that I can ALWAYS be HERE, ALWAYS do what is best, ALWAYS direct myself, ALWAYS Living Here as the breath in each and every moment, within and as FULL SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, where now avoidance is redefined as another gift where I see how I can further optimize myself and take even more responsibility and build my Self-Directive Will even more profoundly and robustly, as this IS best, then I am unstoppable, and this will be proven over time as time is the true test of if change is happening or if I am deluding myself
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the gift that is avoidance, where it is an indicator to show me where I have accepted and allowed weakness within myself and others, where there is a moment of Change that I can and WILL PROVE TO MYSELF that I actually can change in a breath, where Who I AM is Life and the authority that is me as Life can and WILL direct the situation beyond any mind-energy-limitation, to actually just do what is best within Common Sense to Live as what is actually best for all, which is actually best for me too, as we are literally interconnected and interdependent as humanity, just like a body, the organs and the cells, where all working together in harmony toward what is best is actually best, no isolation needed, just each part taking responsibility, to full responsibility from avoidance
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use excuse and justification of not wanting to feel discomfort to then justify my avoidance that because it feels better emotionally in the moment that somehow that justifies my actions, when that is just a BS excuse, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rob myself of the gift that is the satisfaction of KNOWING that I actually applied myself and did the task that I said I would do in full responsibility where I can say in 100% Self-Honesty that I can trust myself more now, because I did the thing I said I was going to do and therefore I am actually Living Integrity, like a muscle that I am building until my integrity is invincible and unstoppable where others may see this and change themselves based on the compilation of small actions that I have taken over and over, even when nobody's watching, because the way I do anything is the way I do everything, and that is 100% true because everything IS interconnected, there is no isolation, only perceived isolation that is the mind-consciousness-system fucking with Life, Until Here no Further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse and justification of the responsibility taking time (i.e. “this will take too much time right now, so let me just do it later when I have more time”), and I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the excuse and justification of not wanting to stay attentive and face the risk of “using up my time” to see the activity through to its completion and conclusion, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the common sense understanding that I am capable of taking the responsibility and just addressing it now, then even if it does take time, more than I anticipated, that I have a wonderful opportunity to practice Self-Trust, where I can trust myself to direct myself to what is best, over a prolonged period of time, and actually just make the thing happen that I need to do, and if there is an “open loop” where the activity/responsibility is not able to be brought to an immediate conclusion/completion, I can always remember that I am learning how to breathe in each and every moment, and how to trust myself and my schedule and my prioritization of my activities throughout my day (and my responsibilities and WHO I AM in relationship to my responsibilities) and these realizations are a REAL GIFT that I have missed seeing, because I had avoided taking responsibility and taking the actions that take time to complete - that even amidst the conflict and the uncertainty that is the “open loop” (of a responsibility once avoided, then taken, then not yet come to completion) that throughout this entire process of going from avoidance to start to completion of the activity - that I can cross-reference WHO I AM with my BREATH and my SELF DIRECTIVE WILL that I may always and in all ways be Here as Life Authority, and should there be any failure or falling, I have a clear gift that once I am aware that I have fallen, I can immediately apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application so that I can prove to myself again and again until it is visible for all to see that I am able to direct myself Here as Life to what is best always and in all ways
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that when I avoid an activity and in my Self-Honesty I know it is best to do the activity, that I am violating my principles and my agreements therefore I am compounding consequences that will need to be addressed and need to be atoned, as I am NOT standing as a Living Example as Self-Honesty and Self-Trust and Self-Responsibility if I am operating from avoidance, so avoidance within and as me has come to Here and will go no further I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have avoided the realization that Self-Trust and Self-Honesty is developed over the consistent writing of Self-Forgiveness and the Living of the Self-Corrective Application, and this is my responsibility
When and as I notice myself avoiding a responsibility, I stop and I breathe
I realize that it is best to look at my responsibility within the context of my Self-Honesty and within my schedule, so I can determine IMMEDIATELY when it is best to do the activity, as I know delay will only accumulate consequence
I realize developing the habit of DO IT NOW is a habit that is best, where as long as I use common sense and breath, within Principle, the habit of doing things now and not avoiding responsibilities is an essential trait to develop to actually Live within Self-Trust
I realize that my Self-Trust is building OVER TIME and through my consistent application of writing, using TT and being honest with myself, my trust is building and there are many many hidden benefits of Self-Trust that are beginning to surface in my awareness, like my trust within my schedule, my calendar, how I have freed up more time, what I do with my free-time that is actually Life-giving (which breathes Life into the whole virtuous cycle), what I am prioritizing, and overall my mental/emotional stability and ability to remain present, and I realize that I will CONTINUE to develop these over time and thus be able to support others within any and every one of these points
I realize that when I ‘decide’ to take action on a responsibility, and then the responsibility requires time to actually reach completion, that THIS FEELING of the OPEN LOOP is actually the biggest gift I can give myself because it is the real test of my ability to live Here, present in and as Life Awareness and Life Authority, no matter the storm/conflict/uncertainty/activity/lack of completion, that ME, HERE as LIFE is ever-present and through my breath, through my self-forgiveness statements (whether written or sounded out loud) and my self-corrective application, I will thus PROVE to myself that the open loop is Life-giving, and my conduct and my demeanor and WHO I AM within and as ANY and ALL of my responsibilities IS in fact Life-Giving because I AM Life, giving to myself over and over in better and more expansive ways and capacities, where there is NOTHING to fear, as I am Here… Present to the Present that is the Present, thus able to Trust myself that I can actually be Trustworthy and Direct myself in and through each and EVERY single Breath as Life within and as Principle
I realize this is real responsibility, and I will continue to accumulate responsibility, even if I fall, I trust myself to stand back up and continue walking forward in Principle
I realize that my Self-Trust is building OVER TIME and through my consistent application of writing, using TT and being honest with myself, my trust is building and there are many many hidden benefits of Self-Trust that are beginning to surface in my awareness, like my trust within my schedule, my calendar, how I have freed up more time, what I do with my free-time that is actually Life-giving (which breathes Life into the whole virtuous cycle), what I am prioritizing, and overall my mental/emotional stability and ability to remain present, and I realize that I will CONTINUE to develop these over time and thus be able to support others within any and every one of these points
I realize that when I ‘decide’ to take action on a responsibility, and then the responsibility requires time to actually reach completion, that THIS FEELING of the OPEN LOOP is actually the biggest gift I can give myself because it is the real test of my ability to live Here, present in and as Life Awareness and Life Authority, no matter the storm/conflict/uncertainty/activity/lack of completion, that ME, HERE as LIFE is ever-present and through my breath, through my self-forgiveness statements (whether written or sounded out loud) and my self-corrective application, I will thus PROVE to myself that the open loop is Life-giving, and my conduct and my demeanor and WHO I AM within and as ANY and ALL of my responsibilities IS in fact Life-Giving because I AM Life, giving to myself over and over in better and more expansive ways and capacities, where there is NOTHING to fear, as I am Here… Present to the Present that is the Present, thus able to Trust myself that I can actually be Trustworthy and Direct myself in and through each and EVERY single Breath as Life within and as Principle
I realize this is real responsibility, and I will continue to accumulate responsibility, even if I fall, I trust myself to stand back up and continue walking forward in Principle
I realize that I am able to operate as Life Authority, and any instance of energy authority that may come up, I can delete it through breath and through Self-Corrective Application in the real physical universe where I do what is actually best for all Life, not just egoic energetic Self-Interest delusion, but what is actually required to ensure we have a world that is best for all Life
I realize that I am proving to myself that real change is BOTH inner and outer, and the outer changes that are actually happening that are verifiable by others IS a reflection of the inner changes, and even when I do not see the visible feedback from the physical universe, my daily consistent commitment to writing and supporting myself and others will compound over time until I am Visibly Living the Principles
I realize that as a child I would avoid my responsibilities from the starting point of energy and spitefulness, failing to see that the avoidance in itself was a direct reflection of a part of myself I have been avoiding, which is ME AS LIFE stepping up to take full responsibility of everything that has been accepted and allowed, no more avoiding me as Life...
I realize that as a child I would do my responsibilities from the starting point of energy and spitefulness, failing to see that it is best to take on responsibility and do it fully and there are so many hidden gifts within this decision to take responsibility and actually acting on it that I am now realizing even more
I realize that my writing out of my Self-Forgiveness Statements, My Self-Realization Statements, and ALL of my Commitment Statements I have ever written or read are ALL MY RESPONSIBILITY, and I AM capable of standing as Life in complete integrity and Self-Honesty and Self-Trust, time and time again where I am Visibly Living all of the Principles, therefore…
I commit myself to Directing Myself as Life Authority in everything and anything I do, specifically in my To Do List, my Calendar, My Commitments, My Daily Application of Personal and Business and World Development
I commit myself to stand as a Living Example of how one can realize the gift that is avoidance, which it is just the indicator of where energy-authority exists and the precursor of where to apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application
I commit myself to support others to realize where they are avoiding responsibilities
I realize that I am proving to myself that real change is BOTH inner and outer, and the outer changes that are actually happening that are verifiable by others IS a reflection of the inner changes, and even when I do not see the visible feedback from the physical universe, my daily consistent commitment to writing and supporting myself and others will compound over time until I am Visibly Living the Principles
I realize that as a child I would avoid my responsibilities from the starting point of energy and spitefulness, failing to see that the avoidance in itself was a direct reflection of a part of myself I have been avoiding, which is ME AS LIFE stepping up to take full responsibility of everything that has been accepted and allowed, no more avoiding me as Life...
I realize that as a child I would do my responsibilities from the starting point of energy and spitefulness, failing to see that it is best to take on responsibility and do it fully and there are so many hidden gifts within this decision to take responsibility and actually acting on it that I am now realizing even more
I realize that my writing out of my Self-Forgiveness Statements, My Self-Realization Statements, and ALL of my Commitment Statements I have ever written or read are ALL MY RESPONSIBILITY, and I AM capable of standing as Life in complete integrity and Self-Honesty and Self-Trust, time and time again where I am Visibly Living all of the Principles, therefore…
I commit myself to Directing Myself as Life Authority in everything and anything I do, specifically in my To Do List, my Calendar, My Commitments, My Daily Application of Personal and Business and World Development
I commit myself to stand as a Living Example of how one can realize the gift that is avoidance, which it is just the indicator of where energy-authority exists and the precursor of where to apply self-forgiveness and self-corrective application
I commit myself to support others to realize where they are avoiding responsibilities
I commit myself to support others to develop Self-Honesty and Self-Trust with their Self-Responsibility and Self-Directiveness to do what is actually best for All Life (which includes themselves, as each and every person is PART of ALL Life)
I commit myself to show myself that I can go to an even higher and more expansive ability to produce and take on more responsibility as I master my responsibilities in my to-do list, my relationship with “open loops” (and the Self-Trust to manage and successfully/effectively complete the “open loops” in the best ways), my schedule and my communications with everyone in my network
I commit myself to Living the Principles, yet remaining flexible and able to flow (within Self-Trust) in how they are Lived, where I can Self-Honestly say that I am Living the Principles breath by breath
I commit myself to boldly move forward accumulating more and more and more responsibility where we guarantee that the world is actually best for all Life forevermore
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