This morning I heard my alarm and reacted to it, then fell back asleep and I know that this is not best to just keep falling back asleep.
The specific memory is noticing my alarm.
My body tenses up a bit and I immediately move myself out of reaction to my alarm so I can turn it off
I have a trigger point of the alarm physically sounding, then my reaction is feeling startled
There is work to be done so that I can fully trust myself with and as my alarm and my entire sleeping/waking process so that it verifiably BEST
The specific memory is noticing my alarm.
My body tenses up a bit and I immediately move myself out of reaction to my alarm so I can turn it off
I have a trigger point of the alarm physically sounding, then my reaction is feeling startled
There is work to be done so that I can fully trust myself with and as my alarm and my entire sleeping/waking process so that it verifiably BEST
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to react with feeling startled to the physical sound of the alarm going off on my phone this morning, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have failed to best anticipate the alarm on an emotional and physical level where the emotion of startle need not exist because in breath and stability I can be Here through the entire sleep/waking process, it just takes some Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize and understand the best way of sleeping, where I breathe deeply, I restore my body and rest, so that by the time the alarm is set to go off, my body is synchronized and ready to just respond and move forward from presence, rejuvenation and being Here as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have forgotten who I am within the trigger point of the alarm, where I react out of emotion and conflict, with the negative reaction to the alarm, to the neutral feeling of turning it off, to the positive feeling of laying my head back down, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to change the reality that currently I operate from reaction and energy in the start to my day, to now taking responsibility through Self-Directiveness where I am Here with my alarm equal and one, non-reactive just Here, then directing myself to what is best, beginning my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have sacrificed who I am in relation to the alarm clock, placing it above me and abdicating Life Authority for Energy Authority, because in my immediate reaction to the alarm I have been accepting and allowing myself to act from the starting point of emotional reaction, of “‘just turn it off’” then go from there, where that is clearly not best, so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to establish myself in Self-Trust and Self-Honesty in oneness and equality with my alarm
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waver with my relationship with my alarm, where based on a feeling I either choose to wake up or go back to sleep, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to do sufficient Self-Forgiveness to establish the insights, and then rewrite the patterns to correct myself that Who I Am in relationship with the alarm clock is proven to be ME as LIFE fully HERE, every single time, one alarm - waking up Here in breath, directing myself Here in breath, Living in each and every moment before, during and after the alarm
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize and understand the best way of sleeping, where I breathe deeply, I restore my body and rest, so that by the time the alarm is set to go off, my body is synchronized and ready to just respond and move forward from presence, rejuvenation and being Here as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have forgotten who I am within the trigger point of the alarm, where I react out of emotion and conflict, with the negative reaction to the alarm, to the neutral feeling of turning it off, to the positive feeling of laying my head back down, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to change the reality that currently I operate from reaction and energy in the start to my day, to now taking responsibility through Self-Directiveness where I am Here with my alarm equal and one, non-reactive just Here, then directing myself to what is best, beginning my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have sacrificed who I am in relation to the alarm clock, placing it above me and abdicating Life Authority for Energy Authority, because in my immediate reaction to the alarm I have been accepting and allowing myself to act from the starting point of emotional reaction, of “‘just turn it off’” then go from there, where that is clearly not best, so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to establish myself in Self-Trust and Self-Honesty in oneness and equality with my alarm
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waver with my relationship with my alarm, where based on a feeling I either choose to wake up or go back to sleep, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to do sufficient Self-Forgiveness to establish the insights, and then rewrite the patterns to correct myself that Who I Am in relationship with the alarm clock is proven to be ME as LIFE fully HERE, every single time, one alarm - waking up Here in breath, directing myself Here in breath, Living in each and every moment before, during and after the alarm
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand that being clear in my morning routine will be supportive to me being present with my alarm, where I wake up, I take some breaths, and I am already committed to just waking and going, no multiple alarms or risk of falling back asleep needed
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize the gift that is the alarm clock and who I am in relationship to it, where this is me clearly seeing self-honestly where I am not doing what is best, and this is a real test of Who I Am, as it is me in the raw reality of waking, no energy build up from the day, no thought patterns, just me Here as breath, thus the alarm is really a gift where I see Who I AM truly, and this initial moment of breath and awareness of the alarm and the waking is the starting point to my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take sleep and my sleeping environment/behavior seriously, I have neglected it and just said ‘it is good enough’, which is literally a direct violation of my principles, that I will do what is best for all Life, when it is not possible to do what is best, when I have not even set up my environment and taken care to Honor my Body as my Temple by making some fairly simple changes to my sleep environment, such as adjusting the air temperature before sleeping so it is not too cold upon waking, not eating food too late so that my body can actually rest and not just digest, having a quality mattress (which I am in the process of getting) and having a quality pillow that is supportive to my neck/head and comfort so that I can be fully present through sleep, and last - my clear starting point with my alarm, where I am working myself down to just 6 hours of sleep, so setting the alarm for 6 hours and 20 minutes will be best, that way I have 30 minutes to breathe before sleeping and wake before the alarm even goes off within Self-Trust and being Here as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize the gift that is the alarm clock and who I am in relationship to it, where this is me clearly seeing self-honestly where I am not doing what is best, and this is a real test of Who I Am, as it is me in the raw reality of waking, no energy build up from the day, no thought patterns, just me Here as breath, thus the alarm is really a gift where I see Who I AM truly, and this initial moment of breath and awareness of the alarm and the waking is the starting point to my day
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take sleep and my sleeping environment/behavior seriously, I have neglected it and just said ‘it is good enough’, which is literally a direct violation of my principles, that I will do what is best for all Life, when it is not possible to do what is best, when I have not even set up my environment and taken care to Honor my Body as my Temple by making some fairly simple changes to my sleep environment, such as adjusting the air temperature before sleeping so it is not too cold upon waking, not eating food too late so that my body can actually rest and not just digest, having a quality mattress (which I am in the process of getting) and having a quality pillow that is supportive to my neck/head and comfort so that I can be fully present through sleep, and last - my clear starting point with my alarm, where I am working myself down to just 6 hours of sleep, so setting the alarm for 6 hours and 20 minutes will be best, that way I have 30 minutes to breathe before sleeping and wake before the alarm even goes off within Self-Trust and being Here as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not clearly think through how long I set my alarm from the moment I am almost ready for bed, failing to see that this inconsistency is hindering my performance and my ability to reach my utmost potential as a human and as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the right sleep pattern with dedication to making it best will have the best consequences in my Life and will support me to do what is best, and support me to realize my utmost potential of responsibility and ability as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have lived the word delay with my relationship with sleep and who I am within and as sleep, where I have delayed waking up, delayed going to sleep, and delayed addressing this relationship until Here no further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have not taken myself seriously, where I wake up without a clear sense of who I am within this breath, then fail to see what is actually Here, rather I would just put myself at risk to fall back asleep, COMPLETELY FAILING TO REALIZE that I have one Life, and to sleep it away is not best and there is consequence for this abdication of responsibility, that I am standing equal to and one with where I am dedicated to directing all of this to what is actually best for all Life, one breath at a time, one sleeping/waking cycle at a time
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that who I am within sleep has had an unclear distinction, where my mind is regenerating and my body is regenerating, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that the body resting is the only aspect of sleep that is worthy, and when effectively understood and lived, the mind will be worked through effectively and sustainably so that the mental tiredness will not exist, or should it appear that I can breathe through it in understanding and awareness of what is really going on within me
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for setting the alarm and putting my head back down and accepting and allowing myself to enter back into sleep mode this morning, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that judgment is wasted energy and need not exist, rather simply Self-Directiveness to apply Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application is the answer to any time that I fall and do not do what is best, like going back to sleep with no Self-Directive will, where now I stand/sleep/Live within and as Principle
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize what the mental tiredness in fact feels like - so that through my awareness I may discern what is going on within and as me, where then through breath I can stop the energy and support myself to direct myself to do what is best, where as long as my body is rested that is all that matters
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that the right sleep pattern with dedication to making it best will have the best consequences in my Life and will support me to do what is best, and support me to realize my utmost potential of responsibility and ability as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have lived the word delay with my relationship with sleep and who I am within and as sleep, where I have delayed waking up, delayed going to sleep, and delayed addressing this relationship until Here no further
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have not taken myself seriously, where I wake up without a clear sense of who I am within this breath, then fail to see what is actually Here, rather I would just put myself at risk to fall back asleep, COMPLETELY FAILING TO REALIZE that I have one Life, and to sleep it away is not best and there is consequence for this abdication of responsibility, that I am standing equal to and one with where I am dedicated to directing all of this to what is actually best for all Life, one breath at a time, one sleeping/waking cycle at a time
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see that who I am within sleep has had an unclear distinction, where my mind is regenerating and my body is regenerating, within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see that the body resting is the only aspect of sleep that is worthy, and when effectively understood and lived, the mind will be worked through effectively and sustainably so that the mental tiredness will not exist, or should it appear that I can breathe through it in understanding and awareness of what is really going on within me
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for setting the alarm and putting my head back down and accepting and allowing myself to enter back into sleep mode this morning, within this I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to have refused to see/realize/understand that judgment is wasted energy and need not exist, rather simply Self-Directiveness to apply Self-Forgiveness and Self-Corrective Application is the answer to any time that I fall and do not do what is best, like going back to sleep with no Self-Directive will, where now I stand/sleep/Live within and as Principle
I forgive myself that I had accepted and allowed myself to not realize what the mental tiredness in fact feels like - so that through my awareness I may discern what is going on within and as me, where then through breath I can stop the energy and support myself to direct myself to do what is best, where as long as my body is rested that is all that matters
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to participate in the negative emotional attachment of tiredness, failing to see/realize/understand that the tiredness is a gift to show me more opportunity of where I stand in and as Self-Trust, Self-Honesty and Principle, regardless of tiredness, just one and equal within common sense as Life
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that my self-trust has been eroded through my setting of my alarm inconsistently, and not realizing that as long as I have 6 hours of sleep I am good for my physical body, then EVEN IF I do have a random day where something happens during the night and my 6 hours is interrupted and I do not actually get the sufficient sleep to restore my body, I trust myself that in the moment of waking I will be able to Self-Honestly discern and assess in the moment what is actually best, either rest for a few more hours OR if needed (due to some prior commitment or some reason) that I will just power through and find another time during the day to actually give my body the rest it needs
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that my self-trust has been eroded through my setting of my alarm inconsistently, and not realizing that as long as I have 6 hours of sleep I am good for my physical body, then EVEN IF I do have a random day where something happens during the night and my 6 hours is interrupted and I do not actually get the sufficient sleep to restore my body, I trust myself that in the moment of waking I will be able to Self-Honestly discern and assess in the moment what is actually best, either rest for a few more hours OR if needed (due to some prior commitment or some reason) that I will just power through and find another time during the day to actually give my body the rest it needs
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to realize that the Principle of Honor my Body as my Temple includes sleep, tiredness, and choosing to do what is best always and in all ways equal and one with the physical
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to underestimate the ability of my body and to become equal to and one with my body where I operate HERE as LIFE, creating from the starting point of the physical where I can do FAR MORE than I was ever taught in school or conditioned to believe about myself and my necessity for sleep/rest, my expression of myself through and as sleeping/waking, and my ability to live to my utmost potential
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the original meaning of the trigger point of the alarm, which I now see is my perceived lack of freedom (fear of loss) where I need to wake up to go do something that I do not want to do, like school or church when I was a kid
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the conditioning of my mind-consciousness system and my body to associate the alarm with fear/fear of loss, when the alarm clock is in fact just a reflection of who I am within my Self-Honesty, my Self-Trust and my acceptances and allowances
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see/realize/understand the gift that is within this meaning and origin point, that I now have a Self-Honest understanding of REAL Self-Trust, where I understand what is actually best within common sense, is that forcing myself to do something is just based in energy, when operating from Principle is best and actually the only motivator necessary, so within this all I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have failed to see the gift that is my alarm clock, which is the gift of realizing TRUE Self-Honesty and Self-Trust that - am I Living what is best for all? - or is my day and my Life filled with energy and acceptances and allowances of what is not best? - within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not clarify that my alarm clock and who I am in my relationship to it is a reminder of checking in with Who I AM and Why I AM Here, a fresh start like a new breath for a new day to continue the Journey to Life, as Life, for what is best for all Life, in and as the the Process of Self-Perfection through Self-Creation and Living/Sleeping/Waking within Principle
When and as I notice myself in relationship with my alarm clock and I am not breathing, I stop and I breathe
I realize that breath is a tool to stabilize myself Here as Life in relationship to anything and everything
I realize that my alarm clock had been a trigger for me through my Life, yet through my Self-Forgiveness I have begun re-writing my relationship with the alarm clock and Who I AM in relation to myself as Life, equal and one with my Alarm Clock and equal and one with My Living Expression
I realize that no fear of loss need exist within myself and in my relationship with the alarm clock, as I am Here and each moment is a gift for me/us to realize my/our utmost potential as Life
I realize that my alarm clock had been a trigger for me through my Life, yet through my Self-Forgiveness I have begun re-writing my relationship with the alarm clock and Who I AM in relation to myself as Life, equal and one with my Alarm Clock and equal and one with My Living Expression
I realize that no fear of loss need exist within myself and in my relationship with the alarm clock, as I am Here and each moment is a gift for me/us to realize my/our utmost potential as Life
I realize that the instant the alarm clock goes off, Who I AM will be shown to me through my awareness, will I be Life or will I be ego?
I realize that this process of reconditioning myself and my sleep behavior will take time and practice, yet I am able to change rapidly through the tools I have and Who I Am
I realize that this process of reconditioning myself and my sleep behavior will take time and practice, yet I am able to change rapidly through the tools I have and Who I Am
I realize that my body only needs 4-6 hours of sleep as I continue walking this journey to Life where I trap and eliminate the Mind-Consciousness System and learn to Live and operate as Life Awareness and Living as breath accumulation
I realize that setting my alarm for 6 hours and 30 minutes is sufficient and a logical next step for establishing who I am within my sleep routine and waking up
I realize that waking up once is all that is needed and I can take a moment to breathe, be Here, and then direct myself to sitting upright and going to stretch and walk around and drink water
I realize that it is so simple to wake up even before my alarm, or right on time with my alarm, where I can breathe, be Here and sit up right and then walk and move myself in equality and oneness the entire time
I realize that sleep is an opportunity to practice and Visibly Live the Principles of Self-Trust, Self-Honesty and Honoring my Physical Body as my Temple, to direct myself always and in all ways to what is best
I commit myself to breathe when I wake up
I commit myself to breathe when I set my alarm at night
I commit myself to set my alarm for 6 hours and 30 minutes to establish this new mode of being to support myself to realize my utmost potential
I realize that waking up once is all that is needed and I can take a moment to breathe, be Here, and then direct myself to sitting upright and going to stretch and walk around and drink water
I realize that it is so simple to wake up even before my alarm, or right on time with my alarm, where I can breathe, be Here and sit up right and then walk and move myself in equality and oneness the entire time
I realize that sleep is an opportunity to practice and Visibly Live the Principles of Self-Trust, Self-Honesty and Honoring my Physical Body as my Temple, to direct myself always and in all ways to what is best
I commit myself to breathe when I wake up
I commit myself to breathe when I set my alarm at night
I commit myself to set my alarm for 6 hours and 30 minutes to establish this new mode of being to support myself to realize my utmost potential
I commit myself to continue walking the journey to Life to support myself in my ability to eradicate the mind-consciousness system
I commit myself to understand the mental compounding and mental tiredness through the day until it becomes understood and directed to what is best, and within this I commit myself to direct myself to do what is best, whether I am tired or not
I commit myself to establish myself in oneness and equality with and as my alarm clock as it is me and part of me and Who I Am and How I Live through and as Principle
I commit myself to understand the mental compounding and mental tiredness through the day until it becomes understood and directed to what is best, and within this I commit myself to direct myself to do what is best, whether I am tired or not
I commit myself to establish myself in oneness and equality with and as my alarm clock as it is me and part of me and Who I Am and How I Live through and as Principle
I commit myself to show myself that I am able to wake up with just one alarm, or even before the alarm, to breathe and then get up and start walking around my apartment to begin the day
I commit myself to realizing my utmost potential in and as Life through and as EVERYTHING I do, that it all accumulates to what is best for all Life and the utmost potential of all Life
I commit myself to do what is best even if it feels uncomfortable or emotional or startling, the feelings are irrelevant, Principle is what matters, Living within and as Self-Honesty and Self-Directive Principle, doing what is best for all Life, always and in all ways
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